8.02 and General Season 8 Feels

Oct 11, 2012 15:20

So you might've noticed that I didn't post anything about 8.01, and I didn't rant/rave about it on Twitter. This was because A) I work until 9 on Wednesdays (SUCKS) so I can't watch it live, and B) my boyfriend has had these past two Wednesdays off, so I've been pre-occupied, and C) I wasn't blown away by the premiere. It wasn't bad by any means, I just felt sort of indifferent towards it. I felt like it didn't give me enough info or enough of an impression to even have a solid impression, know what I mean?

But 8.02? I really liked. 8.02 had a lot of meat to it and gave some shape to the season. Me gusta.

SAM FEELS: I really love that Sam is FINALLY Sam again. After four seasons of him being broken and beat, it's so refreshing to see him in a content state. I don't know how I feel about him not looking for Dean in the year he was gone. I see why the writers chose to do that, I just don't know how realistic it is. It goes against all that is Winchester. I think Sam's character has gone back to it's roots a it but at the same time the experience of the past four years or so is still there. It'll be interesting to see how it balances out once Sam meets Benny.

DEAN FEELS: Poor baby. Jensen said in some interviews that Dean is very much a soldier back from war and I think that's exactly right. He's colder, less concerned with collateral damage, very much focused on getting shit done, and his obvious (but manageable?) PTSD. I hope they don't drag the consequences of purgatory out too long, it's just been done, you know? First with Dean and hell, then Sam and his soul, ect. Emotional fallout is important but I think everyone's kind of over having it be the main focus.

BRO FEELS: I feel like Sam and Dean kind of reset, a little bit lie back in season 1. They're in a place where they're together and on the same page, but not everything's perfect. Like back in the old days, Dean's a little resentful and Sam's a little, "I made my choice, sorry about it." I think I like it. It's uncomplicated, it has room for bigger issues (*coughBENNYcough*) and it has room for things to get really good again, like in seasons 2 and 3. So yes, rather happy or at least at ease with how the brothers are doing.

OTHER FEELS: I'm still not sure how I feel about Benny, I don't have enough info on him. I do know I like his voice lol. Happy to see Cas, that scene between him and Dean was really nice. In regards to 8.01, that scene where Sam's at the vet...was it just me or did Jared do a not so great job in that scene? I don't know if it was just me but it felt kind of forced and just over all not his best. Blame it on the writing maybe? Still loving Kevin and his mom is FIERCE. Get it, Momma Tran.

EPISODE FEELS: I really liked it, it had an old school vibe while still keeping up with the current Supernatural. I thought it was funny and dramatic at the same time, which is something Supernatural has always been good at but I think has been overshadowed by really dark and heavy mythological arcs the past few seasons. I'm happy to see the show digging back into it's roots. THANK YOU CARVER.

FANDOM FEELS: Guys, I'm over character wars. I really, really am. I'm over Destiel fans not liking episodes just cause Cas isn't in them, I'm over Cas haters hating episodes BECAUSE he's in them, I'm over Dean girls saying Dean isn't getting a story, and Sam girls says Dean is ALWAYS getting the story, and I'm over Wincest fans and Destiel fans fighting over who's more important to who. Why can't we all just agree that all the characters are important to the story in one way or another, and that Sam, Dean, and Cas all have an important connection to each other? Like, it shouldn't be so hard and no amount of bitching is gonna change anything, so people should stop tearing each other apart.

AND FINALLY: OMG Thor hammer come to meeeeee. Please tell me Sam kept that thing.

episode review, supernatural, season 8 baby!

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