Purple Heart

Jul 26, 2010 12:15

Title: Purple Heart
Author: drunk_on_hahn
Crossover: Erica Hahn and The West Wing
Rating: PG
Beta: dbc_chameleon
Word Count: approximately 2400
Disclaimer: on no_guts_glory   side bar

A/N: This story builds upon an iconic military funeral scene from season 1 episode 10: "In Excelsis Deo" of The West Wing.  References are also made to parts of season 7, including episode 1 "The Ticket" and episode 21 "Institutional Memory".

The training requirements for cardiothoracic surgeons and the concept of a protective emotional full-metal jacket are based on "Healing Hearts: A Memoir of a Female Heart Surgeon", by Kathy E. Magliato, MD.  Verbatim quotes from the book are included in red italic and other references are denoted by HH with corresponding page numbers also indicated in red.

Special thanks to  dbc_chameleon for creating the banner and the image of Arlington National Cemetery included within the story.


I wondered what exactly I was expecting to happen.  Why would this former White House Communications Director even remember my uncle's name, let alone choose to meet with me in the midst of his busy schedule teaching courses at Columbia University?

challenge:crossover bingo, fanfic:erica/oc, art:fanfiction, rating:pg, writer:drunk_on_hahn

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