Flower Girl

Jul 25, 2010 10:39

Title: Flower Girl
Crossover: Erica Hahn and Days of Our Lives
Author: drunk_on_hahn
Rating: PG-13 (for medical scenes)
Beta: dbc_chameleon
Word Count: approximately 2500
Disclaimer: on no_guts_glory side bar

A/N: The medical details displayed in red italic in this story are take verbatim with page number references from "Healing Hearts: A Memoir of a Female Heart Surgeon", by Kathy E. Magliato, MD.  A free preview of this book is available from Amazon.

Special thanks to dbc_chameleon for creating the beautiful story banner.

I walked out of the parking lot and felt so utterly alone in this world. I knew where I needed to go and booked the next flight out.  On the long plane ride, my troubled mind would not let me have any peace.  Upon reaching the familiar front porch, I finally exhaled.

challenge:crossover bingo, fanfic:erica/oc, rating:pg-13, art:fanfiction, writer:drunk_on_hahn

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