No, seriously. Someone's shooting the famous tale of the 47 Ronin, and they're making a character played by Keanu Reeves the star. And more apparently it's going to be a 'fantasy adventure film'. Because the actual historical event didn't have enough drama or conflict in it to hold people's attention.
I was just cruising "Mugging the Monster" on Tv Tropes and found this amusing entry. In Oz, two robbers with machetes decide to rob the local sports club. What could possibly go wrong -- aside from learning that the local biker gang is there in force and all 50 members decide to teach the hoods a lesson?
This is a story that should resonate with some of the people I know here. And I’m kinda surprised that I remember Dad telling it. Be warned: some of this may be offensive in an un-PC way
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There are times, here in LJ-land, when I wish to respond to someone's incredibly obnoxious commentary. I've seen two examples of it already within half an hour here on my Friend-list (never mind who); the fact that it was done in that phony polite passive-aggressive weasel voice is just worse
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