Hold the Cupcakes!

Jul 13, 2011 16:32

Well, I finally read... it. The nastiest, goriest, most pointlessly splatter fanfic in MLP:FiM.

I am referring, of course, to Cupcakes.

In case you didn't know about it, it's basically the story of how Pinkie Pie (the wacky and party-loving pink pony) invites her friend Rainbow Dash (the tomboy pegasus) over for a party, drugs her, and then butchers her in nauseating detail. That stated while I've read it, it didn't really impress me all that much. It's neither the Necronomicon of Pony-dom, nor is it good horror in any way, shape, or form. It's someone doing a SyFy Saturday movie version of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic via schlock studio supreme The Asylum with nonstop gore taking the place of plot, character, or anything else.

Really, it's just kind of boring but gross to me. I do wonder why, as one fellow stated online, "If so many Bronies say they love the ponies, then why do they keep killing them so horribly? OTOH it has produced some memorable satires in its brief existence, such as this one by an artist named Kinky Turtle: http://kinkyturtle.masemware.com/pictures/ponies/equestria-online-bw.gif

There are others too, ranging from shout-outs like one in a MLP/SG-1 crossover where Colonel O'Neill, upon being told that Pinkie is "a little intense" responds with "So are serial killers," to better done horror stories such as "Silent Ponyville" in which poor Pinkie has a repeating nightmare that eventually sends her to Silent Hill.

It's even lead to silly fan speculation about how since Pinkie can break the fourth wall and enter "the real world", that Evil!Pinkie could therefor drop in on anyone discussing the story and chop them into horse haggis. Really, you have to wonder where some people get these screwy ide -- *GRRRCHK!*

*sound of someone running a bone saw and electric knife and then...*

internet weirdness, my little pony, horror stories, madness, bad writing

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