I normally stay out of political matters, but I believe I've finally found someone who really will solve all our problems when she's elected. She's the ultimate dark horse candidate!
Vote Nightmare Moon by ~
Equestria-Election on
deviantART Come on, she has a simple and straightforward platform: bring about the reign of eternal night. And I personally think that having a physical goddess running the country should make a lot of our problems easy to fix, especially when she drops a meteor on them. Sure, some people might have problems with her whole renouncing the title of "Madame President" and demanding to be addressed as "Her Tenebrous Majesty, Divine Empress of Night Eternal", but society must learn how to change to survive.
Enough of America being ruined by amateurs! Let's allow a professional to destroy it! Vote for Nightmare Moon or she'll drop a meteor on your house!
This has been a paid political advertisement by the Committee to Elect Nightmare Moon