Question about language, especially for Southerners

Nov 23, 2010 16:59

Just so I know for the future when I'm talking to or e-mailing people; when a lady from what is usually seen as the 'Deep South', that is Alabama or Arkansas or Mississppi, calls someone 'honey' or the like, it's not meant as anything other than an endearment, right?

Sorry but I'm used to Southeast Pennsylvania and 'PA Dutch English' and ways of speaking, which tend to be very reserved and tend towards the stoic (I remember getting a swat a few times while growing up for crying or being bratty in public and being told to stop acting disgracefully), and I'm assuming that the 'Deep South' tends more towards, being, what should it be called, 'ingratiating'?

Thanks for any advice.

english, language

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