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catgod018 November 20 2010, 06:11:51 UTC

i saw three trailers on wednesday and was like "pft. pft. pft..." and then this one epic long trailer came on and i was like ".... *goes to fandango*" SO ANYWAYS i saw it and yes. i'm going to point by point agree with you. jsyk.

What didn't I love? The theatre audience. DISAPPOINT. They were the lamest midnight premiere audience I've ever been with. I miss my Simi Valley peeps. D: They booed Cowboys & Aliens and had no reaction besides some laughter at Tron. I was like sflkdg;lk;ldsgk;d YOU PEOPLE ARE NOT WORTHY OF A MIDNIGHT PREMIERE, LEAVE THIS THEATRE IMMEDIATELY.

OMG we had the LAMEST theater too!! D: D: D: i wish we were together <3 I MISS OUR MIDNIGHT PREMIERES. also as i was walking along the lines i noticed that i only knew like four people :| weird times.

• "I don't want anyone to die for me blah blah blah." HARRY, THIS IS WHY YOU ARE NOT ONE OF MY FAVOURITE PROTAGONISTS. :|

So that scene isn't in the book like this, and it made me go like "...wut :|" when it happened but it did help build Ron's character so i didn't care too much. I respect harry as a protagonist but i don't like what she did to him in the last three books :/

• This movie was beautifully adapted and while I'm upset at some of the things they left out, I could handle most of them. And then came the scene for Peter's death in Malfoy Manor. I am infuriated over how David Yates handled that. INFURIATED, I TELL YOU. That is one thing I will never be able to forgive them for. And yes, I'm very clearly biased as Peter is my least favourite character and I'm ardent in my belief that he deserves justification and punishment for how he's lived his life and what he did to his friends. Yes, I had issues with his death in the book (because while I can understand him dying at his own hand and all that, he's the character that has brought be the most pain in the entire series and so I have really strong feelings and want him to get what he deserves) but what they did in the film? oh my god the more I think about it, the more I am just so unhappy with it.

UHM. UHM. WHAT EVEN. What happened?! WHAT HAPPENED THERE?!?!?!?! i was watching and then he like falls and i just. no. do not get.

i don't care much for wormtail, but i applauded jkr's style as an author in that she rehabilitated a bad character and gave him just retribution and a chance at reform. so yeah, when this scene was left out i was like UHM. >:|

• Speaking of my Marauders and sentimentality and all that, Godric's Hollow. The scene where I legit cried and the only scene where I legit cried. I was basically like this the entire time:

i was basically that way too. it took SO MUCH to not cry, especially since we didn't get to see their monument. i was unhappy they left that out.

• Then there were other things they left out:

• NO CUTENESS IN SIRIUS' BEDROOM. NO LETTER FROM LILY OR A PICTURE OF HARRY FLYING ON A BROOM WITH JAMES' LEGS CHASING HIM. TEAAAAARS. I mean, I just teared up at seeing Sirius' room so I can't imagine how I would have been at the letter but still. That was such an important scene for Harry, realizing his parents once lived a relatively normal life and it was so adorable and b'aw.

• No sentimental scene between Dudley and Harry! That would have been really nice. I'm bummed they didn't have that. D:

BOTH THESE THINGS. SO VERY DISAPPOINT. D: they were like, two of the more emotional scenes of the beginning and it made me so sad that i missed them :[

• THE TALE OF THE THREE BROTHERS. OH MY GOD. I EYEGASMED. THAT WAS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL SEQUENCE I HAVE EVER SEEN IN MY LIFE. It was so brilliantly done and beautiful and incredible and I have a feeling it'll be a hit or miss thing but I thought it was amazing. One of my favourite scenes, easy. It was so gorgeous and mind-blowing how they did that.

+1~ i loved this scene to pieces as well.


BECAUSE MY COMMENT WAS TOO LONG LOLOLOL catgod018 November 20 2010, 06:12:11 UTC
• But speaking of that scene, as cool as the visual effects were, the Harry/Hermione in the locket was awkward, unexpected, and entirely unnecessary. A kiss is fine, it even makes sense but they went way too far with that.

UGH UGH EW EW my whole theater was like "OH NO SHIELD YOUR EEEYYEES" it was SO AWKWARD.

Also, the dancing was cute after the initial epic awkwardness of it all. I've always liked their friendship though. And I really, really liked Emma Watson in this film too. She's so beautiful.

i was thinking that about her the entire movie too!! she's grown up and blossomed so well as a character and actress :D it's fantastic to have been able to watch her.

• But, I'll be honest, and I know I'm a crazy heartless bitch, but I didn't cry at his death. I didn't even cry at his death in the book. It's always been an emotionally profound scene for me but never one that I lost it with tears over. It was always mostly a numb feeling, unable to believe that actually just happened. For the movie, however, I think it was less tragic because halfway through, I was like:

so, dobby's death was the first scene in the book that made me cry. i grew so attached to the elves, especially dobby, so i was really affected by his death. i'm so glad they did it justice, and when i realized what was going to happen i totally shrieked ;o;

• ahahahaha the Ministry scene. oh my god that was the greatest. Rancor (or whoever Harry was) had me in hysterics with his awkward walking and everything. ALSO LOL FOREVER AT RON AS REGINALD. OH MY GOD DYING. I really loved that scene.

+1 FOREVER. OMG BEST SCENE. i'm glad it didn't take FOREVER AND A DAY either, like it did in the books. Ron's kiss and Harry's awkward limp, lolololololol


to give someone to kill off, idek. i thought this was so randomly slapdash too.

• Still, as I said, easily my favourite Harry Potter film besides the first. It was shot beautifully and visually stunning and I totally felt my childhood bursting and I was in love the whole time. I know my era is the Marauders but this is the era I grew up with and I love these characters and yes, I really loved this film.

AGREED. i was so dreading this film because 1. i dislike all the movies post-Columbus, and 2. i wasn't sure how well they would be able to follow the plot and still make it a comprehensive film for those who haven't read the books (which is obviously the point of a movie). I was completely floored at how beautifully and well done every scene was 8D ALSO THE ACTING. OMG THE ACTING. FANTASTIC. and the three brothers scene was everything and more, i am so glad they gave us a visual aide instead of just hermoine reading it AND THEY DID SUCH A GREAT JOB.

anyways, i'm definitely going to see the second part. EVEN IF I AM IN SWEDEN. >:O

ily <3 i wish you had been with us >:


Re: BECAUSE MY COMMENT WAS TOO LONG LOLOLOL erethesunrises November 21 2010, 20:31:15 UTC
You're my favourite sister ever. I wish I had been with you. ♥ And don't worry, I might not be home for the second film either so. And don't worry, I was really struggling to get excited for the film but loved it so obviously we're sisters. whateven with your theatre audience. Don't worry, Tron will be epic.

I liked Harry in the first few books but then he just got so damn frustrating that I stopped caring and was instead wanting to bang my head against a wall all the time. I get tired really fast of his ~solo~ act and wanting to do it all on his own.

Personally, for me, Peter has no chance at reform. I get what JKR was going for with his death and for most fans, I can understand how that can be effective. However, I'm not most fans and given what the Marauders mean to me, his death was no nearly pronounced enough in the books and I see no sympathy for his character but the movie butchered it even more! So unless they give him a new death (if he is alive) and finally give me the revenge I've wanted, I'm unsatisfied.

Hopefully some of those scenes they left out will be deleted scenes. :D

Yeah, I always thought Emma was the weakest acting-wise out of the trip but she and Rupert really blew Dan out of the water this time around and they were lovely to watch.

Yes, I really loved it too! I mean, Colombus' films are in a category of their own given how innocent and spot-on they are. Afterwards more liberties were taken and I've grown fonder of the third movie recently (surprisingly enough for me) but movies 4-6 didn't impress so I was so amazed by this film and absolutely in love.


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