i see your heart and it is mine.

Nov 19, 2010 17:20

So let's talk Harry Potter. For someone who was struggling to get excited, once I was at the theatre and watching the film, I was super excited (but I guess that's how it always is) and this film did not disappoint. It was easily one of the best Harry Potter films released, probably the best in terms of after PoA (because we count Chris Colombus' films as a category of their own). I loved it.

What didn't I love? The theatre audience. DISAPPOINT. They were the lamest midnight premiere audience I've ever been with. I miss my Simi Valley peeps. D: They booed Cowboys & Aliens and had no reaction besides some laughter at Tron. I was like sflkdg;lk;ldsgk;d YOU PEOPLE ARE NOT WORTHY OF A MIDNIGHT PREMIERE, LEAVE THIS THEATRE IMMEDIATELY.

But this is about the film we watched, not my disappointment in the audience. So let's talk.

• "I don't want anyone to die for me blah blah blah." HARRY, THIS IS WHY YOU ARE NOT ONE OF MY FAVOURITE PROTAGONISTS. :|

When Ron called him out for this when Harry was about to leave the Burrow in the middle of the night, I seriously wanted to cheer because Ron can see past little things to the big picture, unlike Harry, and it made me so proud of him. Because, seriously, when Harry plays his tortured, I can only do this ~alone~ card, I'm just like:

BECAUSE NO, HARRY, THIS ISN'T ABOUT YOU. Yes, yes, we get that you and Voldemort must face each other and all of that but everyone isn't fighting a war so you can play hero, they are fighting a war to preserve the world in which they live and to save the lives of the people they love because, surprise surprise, Death Eaters don't just target your loved ones, Harry, they're killing everyone, magical people and muggles alike. guh, Harry continually frustrates me. I mean, really. I'll always support him as my protagonist but it doesn't mean I can't be angry with him for most of the time.

• This movie was beautifully adapted and while I'm upset at some of the things they left out, I could handle most of them. And then came the scene for Peter's death in Malfoy Manor. I am infuriated over how David Yates handled that. INFURIATED, I TELL YOU. That is one thing I will never be able to forgive them for. And yes, I'm very clearly biased as Peter is my least favourite character and I'm ardent in my belief that he deserves justification and punishment for how he's lived his life and what he did to his friends. Yes, I had issues with his death in the book (because while I can understand him dying at his own hand and all that, he's the character that has brought be the most pain in the entire series and so I have really strong feelings and want him to get what he deserves) but what they did in the film? oh my god the more I think about it, the more I am just so unhappy with it.

Now, he has to be dead. Or else they're planning on inventing a new plot and death for him in the second film which isn't acceptable. So if he is dead, he was hit by the killing curse. There are only three people who could have done it: Dobby, Ron, or Harry, none of which is any character who it is acceptable to use the killing character because it taints them. From what I got, it was Dobby who sent the spell WHICH IS AWFUL AND ATROCIOUS AND WRONG ON EVERY LEVEL AND I CANNOT BELIEVE THEY DID THAT. I mean, first off, it's Dobby. Second off, Peter deserves punishment much greater than to have the most anti-climactic death which is then brushed off with comedic relief provided by Dobby.

But perhaps he isn't dead. I mean, it was a green spell but we can't actually believe Dobby used the killing curse, right? So that means Peter's not dead. Which means they need to invent a new death for him. Now, unless Remus likes grabs him by the robes and yells at him and kills him himself, I'm not happy about this either. I JUST. PETER DESERVES PUNISHMENT AND A DEATH THAT HE'S EARNED WITH WHAT HE'S DONE.

I'm disgusted how they handled that scene. And no, I will never forgive that. For a storyline that is as close to my heart as this one is, I am not okay with how it was handled and never will be.

• Speaking of my Marauders and sentimentality and all that, Godric's Hollow. The scene where I legit cried and the only scene where I legit cried. I was basically like this the entire time:

OH MY GOD TEARS. Seeing their grave and seeing James' birthday and knowing they were dead long before they should have been and all of it hit me at once and I was just a mess. I wish they had given us more of the flashback to the night they died but I know if they had done this:

"...and James Potter fell like a marionette whose strings were cut..."

I would have been like this:

Except having no Mitchell to actually hug. D: But you guys know what the Marauders mean to me, especially James. I mean, I've invented James so much in my head that he is a real, fleshed out character. People gape and judge and gasp when I tell them he's my favourite Harry Potter character of all time but it's not so hard to believe for me. James is a real character who was flawed and lovely and ridiculous and frustrating and heroic and he really does mean so much to me. The Marauders in general and their era is the era that I'm protective of, an era I've fleshed out and know inside and out and yeah, it can be absurd to some people but not to me.

• Then there were other things they left out:


• Remus never showed up at Grimmauld Place and fought with Harry. Now, admittedly, I was dreading that scene because it's such a frustrating scene for me and so hard for me to read that I was terrified of how it'd go over in the film and how I'd react to it. Maybe they didn't think they could do it justification and translate Remus' side to a theatre audience. Now, we all know I'll defend Remus till the day I die, especially in this scene, but I thought it was a particularly important scene so I'm disappointed they left it out. But at the same time almost a little relieved.

• NO CUTENESS IN SIRIUS' BEDROOM. NO LETTER FROM LILY OR A PICTURE OF HARRY FLYING ON A BROOM WITH JAMES' LEGS CHASING HIM. TEAAAAARS. I mean, I just teared up at seeing Sirius' room so I can't imagine how I would have been at the letter but still. That was such an important scene for Harry, realizing his parents once lived a relatively normal life and it was so adorable and b'aw.

• No sentimental scene between Dudley and Harry! That would have been really nice. I'm bummed they didn't have that. D:

• THE TALE OF THE THREE BROTHERS. OH MY GOD. I EYEGASMED. THAT WAS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL SEQUENCE I HAVE EVER SEEN IN MY LIFE. It was so brilliantly done and beautiful and incredible and I have a feeling it'll be a hit or miss thing but I thought it was amazing. One of my favourite scenes, easy. It was so gorgeous and mind-blowing how they did that.

• There were also new characters!


• Bill. Not exactly how I imagined him less handsome than I'd imagined and we didn't get enough of him to get a full grasp on who he is in the movie but I wasn't displeased with him. He and Fleur were adorable enough. I wish we had gotten more of them at the wedding though. Fleur's dress was gorgeous, btw.

• Mundungus. Not at all how I pictured him. DISAPPOINT.

• Xenophilius! I loved him. He was much younger than I was expecting him to be and if you ignored the hair and the wonky clothing, he actually had a very handsome face and I was a little attracted to him, lol. But I definitely liked him and the actor's depiction of him and I thought he was kooky enough and I loved his desperation to get Luna back and the Lovegood household in general was epic. I was pretty disappointed not to be able to see Luna's room and her painting though. That was always so sweet. :'D

• DanRad, why are you so awkward. But at the same time he was also kind of hilariously awesome too. Especially his little jump when Hermione says they can go to Godric's Hollow, lol.

• Rupert Grint, on the other hand, WHY ARE YOU SO AMAZING? I don't think I've ever been this much in love with Ron as I was in this film and he's always been my favourite of the trio. Just everything he did in this film was incredible and made me proud and made my heart burst and Ron, you will always be my hero. ♥ Also, the gobs of Ron/Hermione we got in this film made me squeal so hard. IT WAS JUST SO CUTE.

And the entire audience may have laughed at Ron's speech when he came back (because again, lame audience) but it was sweet, ngl. I love Ron so much. And I loved the scene where he rescued Harry from the lake (but really, Harry should not have been that active and all right AFTER HAVING HYPOTHERMIA) because Ron is such a bamf and I've always loved that scene and loved it then too.

• But speaking of that scene, as cool as the visual effects were, the Harry/Hermione in the locket was awkward, unexpected, and entirely unnecessary. A kiss is fine, it even makes sense but they went way too far with that. Also, the dancing was cute after the initial epic awkwardness of it all. I've always liked their friendship though. And I really, really liked Emma Watson in this film too. She's so beautiful.

• I was glad to see Neville if only for a little bit but he totally proved why he's the coolest Hogwarts kid around in this era. :D I can't wait to see his BAMFERY in the next film. Speaking of other epic characters, THE TWINS. THEY ARE JUST THE MOST ADORABLE AND HILARIOUS THINGS I'VE EVER SEEN. I teared up a little at Fred seeing George on the couch but the holey scene was brilliant. Even more brilliant? George watching Harry and Ginny snog, lol forever. George was always my favourite of the twins so. :D Fred's death is going to be so painful.

• WHEN DID DOBBY GET SO ADORABLE? He was not nearly this adorable in the second film. I imagine they did it just to make his death all the more tragic. But seriously, every scene I was verbally flailing and squealing. Like when he totally just pushes Kreacher off to talk to Harry or is unscrewing the chandelier or talks about maiming Bella, lol forever.

But, I'll be honest, and I know I'm a crazy heartless bitch, but I didn't cry at his death. I didn't even cry at his death in the book. It's always been an emotionally profound scene for me but never one that I lost it with tears over. It was always mostly a numb feeling, unable to believe that actually just happened. For the movie, however, I think it was less tragic because halfway through, I was like:

Because it had just hit me what happened to Peter at Malfoy Manor (because his death was so fast and anti-climactic and an absolute disgrace) and I was suddenly very deep in thought over that. Oops?


Jason Isaac is very clearly getting up there in age but I still really loved him in this film and in this role. So brilliant. I can't wait to see more of him in the next film and with the struggle and coming to grips with everything. Also, Malfoy Manor should have been more lavish because idc how dark the times are, the Malfoys live in style, okay.

I'm not the biggest fan of Helena Bonham-Carter but omg, she owns this role. The scene where she's torturing Hermione? Yup, just as painful as in the book. It was so beautifully done. Emma Watson's scream literally made my blood curdle.

Also not much of Snape but, whatever my negative feelings towards Snape are because, really, I don't like the guy and I don't imagine I'll be crying at this death, we all know Alan Rickman rocks it. Though it looked like he had gained some weight. Still, as much as I dislike Snape, I look forward to Alan Rickman's handling of his story in the next film and I know I'll be gagging at him and Lily and his sob story of ~always~ loving her, but I still think Alan Rickman will give a stellar performance.

IF THEY FUCK UP THE PRINCE'S TALE LIKE THEY DID SNAPE'S WORST MEMORY, I WILL CUT A BITCH. I WANT A BB JAMES ON THE TRAIN HOLDING AN INVISIBLE SWORD AND MEETING SIRIUS FOR THE FIRST TIME AND BEING THE ORIGINAL BROMANCE. lol I'm so predictable. I don't like how they do flashbacks most of the time in these films because they just flit from scene to scene without actually showing the flashback. :|

• ahahahaha the Ministry scene. oh my god that was the greatest. Rancor (or whoever Harry was) had me in hysterics with his awkward walking and everything. ALSO LOL FOREVER AT RON AS REGINALD. OH MY GOD DYING. I really loved that scene.


• Still, as I said, easily my favourite Harry Potter film besides the first. It was shot beautifully and visually stunning and I totally felt my childhood bursting and I was in love the whole time. I know my era is the Marauders but this is the era I grew up with and I love these characters and yes, I really loved this film.

If you've seen the film, please come discuss with me! And link to your own reviews if you want but I'd love to talk with you all!

On a note that's sort of related to Harry Potter but not really, StarKid's next musical production may have a lot to do with Star Trek, fucking yes. :D

Now I need to go call georgeweasleyhp and getting ready to go out to dinner and see 127 Hours! I have many more things to tell you guys but this post is all Harry Potter so let's get out wands out, put them up, and geek out.

Catch you later, calculators.

(!) public post, (misc) what the actual fuck..., (harry potter) marauders are my life, (harry potter) jp = my fictional love, (harry potter) deathly hallows, (misc) this is my angry face, (pop culture) gifspam, (misc) in which anya abuses the caps, (misc) my insane geekery, (misc) this is my happy face, (film) movie review, (misc) in which anya gets sentimental

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