"You're eating Mr. Incredible?"

Mar 26, 2008 22:06

Starring: Russell Crowe, Christian Bale, Peter Fonda, Gretchen Mol, Ben Foster
Directed by: James Mangold

Well, first things first, this may not be a very long review as I'm rather tired and not in the right mindset to review something properly. I'll do the best I can, though, and start off by saying I enjoyed much more than I thought I would. Westerns are fine movies, I suppose, but have never really been my cup of tea. I haven't seen the original version of this and so I really didn't know the details other than the basic premise. It seemed like a good movie if only for the acting (the plot seemed enticing enough as I did want to see it in theatres but never got around to it).

The characters may have seemed a bit typical but I loved the dynamics between all of the characters. There was the moral, righteous doctor with an eager side (OMG ALAN TUDYK ILU), the rebel (William), the hero (Christian Bale), the antihero (Russel Crowe), etc.

I loved the relationship between Ben (Crowe) and Dan (Bale) - the sheer respect they held for another. It's no fun when the villain and hero are detached and a movie is always much more interesting when the hero and villain have a past or a certain dynamic. I think Crowe and Bale executed the relationship wonderfully. It was also a double dosage of pretty men on my screen 0 you can't go wrong there! Although, I think, Crowe may be just a bit higher on my list than Bale. :D;;;

My only qualm with this movie was that THEY KILLED EVERYONE I LIKED. Okay, not everyone. Ben lived. <3 BUT STILL. THEY KILLED ALAN TUDYK'S CHARACTER. WHAT DID HE EVER DO TO YOU? D: No, I understand all of it but it's still not cool. I knew Ben or Dan would die and I had a feeling it would be Dan. With the way the movie ended, my dad thinks there will be a sequel. In a way, I can see it happening but I also see the ending as closure and cut-off from a sequel. I suppose we'll see but I think it's a wonderful stand alone.

But now, the ultimate question. Russel Crowe or Christian Bale?

Poll Russel Crowe vs. Christian Bale

I would personally go with Russel Crowe. I've become much fonder of Christian Bale lately and have recognized just how talented and handsome he is but it's Russel Crowe. -swoon- Or maybe my answer would be both. Oh, I dunno. They're both pretty fantastic. Oh, and there were several shots were Christian Bale looked like Viggo Mortensen from Hidalgo. Crazy.

Overall, I did think it was a very well-made film and I enjoyed it immensely. Perhaps not one I'll get terribly riled up over but definitely worth watching. I recommend it in a heartbeat to Bale and Crowe fans, western fans, and just general movie fans. It has the brilliant aspects of fantastic acting, great visual effects, and a riveting plot. It's one of those movies that is overall achieving and can't seem to do wrong.

Kay. You all know that Beauty and the Beast is the best Disney movie, right? ilmadris, I'm looking at your for support and squee. xD

Driving home on Easter I was listening to the Broadway album and realized just how much I loved it and decided I needed to dedicate some love to it on my LJ. All right, first off the stage version is probably my favourite musical of like...ever. This is absolutely blasphemy it seems to some people because it's not a proper musical because it's Disney and adapted. Oh, give me a break. Les Miserables, Spring Awakening, Legally Blonde anyone? AND DISNEY'S AMAZING THANKYOUVERYMUCH.

I think this musical is absolutely brilliant. It's allowed to delve deeper into the characters (oh how I adore Lumiere and Babette) plus we get some of my favourite musical songs ever. Me which is amazing choreography-wise and utterly hilarious, If I Can't Love Her which breaks my heart every time, the extended version of Be Our Guest (Lumiere/Babette tango FTW), and Maison des Lunes which is AKJDSKSJFJ;F;;G amazing. :D And dude, the mug choreography in Gaston makes me die every time (it's BRILLIANT). How is this less of a musical that RENT? Srsly. It's a beautiful production that makes my heart flutter with magical happiness and tears and laughter. It has luscious sets, fantastic choreography, quirky and adorable music, and a darn good story to boot.

I was so happy to see it on Broadway before it was taken off. <3 And, I've realized, I've seen it at least once a year every year for the past four years. Let's hope that continues. And, by the way, HAVE YOU SEEN LUMIERE AND BABETTE ON STAGE? DAVID DEVRIES, YOU OWN MY SOUL (he was also the one I saw on stage). Seriously. Watch how amazing he is. He may be no Gary Beach and I would have died to have seen John Tartaglia, but Mr. DeVries is downright amazing.

image Click to view

Plus the princess and prince are utterly diverse and so different from any other Disney couple. Oh, I love all the Disney fairytales and couples but Beast and Belle take the cake for me. First off, OMG IT'S NOT LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT. Belle is terrified of him when she first meets him and so she defies him. He, of course, realizes that she could break the spell but is also driven batty by her. If my calculations are correct, she lives with him for about a year or so before the spell is broke which gives her time to fall in love and see him as he truly is. As much as I love Aurora and Philip or Aladdin and Jasmine, they don't have the true connection that Beast and Belle do. Beast and Belle were allowed to fall in love on their own time (okay, so there was a time limit BUT STILL) and they did it beautifully. Plus the Beast wasn't all handsome and smexay when we first met him. Belle truly fell in love with him, not the image of him.

This is also one of the movies I can recite line for line while watching. Oh, BatB you have stolen my heart. :D

Greek season two premiere was on Monday. I loved it. LOVED IT. Despite the phenomenal ratings it got for the premiere, I think this show is definitely under appreciated and seen simply as an "ABC Family" show and nothing special. I happen to love the show - I think it's witty and relatable and well, there's Cappie! Little summary of my feelings right now: Ew Cappie/Rebecca. Yay Cappie/Casey. Aw, Rusty. YAY CAPPIE! <3

So I've been in a very Firefly-y mood as of late. No particular reason as to why - just been wanting to watch it and squee over it. Well, squee over Wash/Zoe. :D Then I read this essay and died from wanting to bang my head into a wall repeatedly. Seriously. WTF. I think I need to go watch some Firefly now to get those icky thoughts out of my head and simply squee over this show cause I love it.

I watched Hellboy this morning and have officially come to the conclusion that I do indeed wish to see Hellboy II: The Golden Army. I had forgotten that this actually was one of those good comic-book adaptations and I'm eager to see the second. Of course, we once again have Liz and Red on rocky terms and another guy threatening to steal her away but that's all good. It's National Treasure: Book of Secrets all over again - just with people who aren't...normal. o_o I love Red, though. He makes me happy inside. Anyway, I'm actually kind of excited to see it and I'll be seeing it with Amanda which makes it all the more amazing.

OMG MY BIRTHDAY'S TOMORROW. -diez and iz ded-

Catch you later, calculators.

PS: By the way, I AM IN LOVE WITH THIS SONG. And every other Who fan should be too. :D

(!) public post, (disney) general, (theatre) general, (tv) greek, (tv) firefly, (film) general, (theare) broadway, (disney) beauty and the beast, (film) movie review

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