Jul 22, 2007 17:22

[music| Proud//The Remus Lupins]

Mkay. Review of Deathly Hallows.

Under the LJ-cut there are major spoilers for Deathly Hallows. Read at your own risk. I would love to discuss, though, so when you want to, read and comment, loves.

Well...first things first, I thought the book was absolutely amazing. Hooked the entire time and loving it. Plus I got myself a whopping share of Marauders-ness so I'm happy.

Best part about the book like EVER? Learning James' birthday. Want to know why?


That would be cool in itself but the fact that James is my absolute favourite character in the Harry Potter series made me flip out. I had to re-read the inscription several times before realizing that it did in fact say March 27th and I proceeded to then flail like you wouldn't believe and it made my parents grow slightly worried. XD

Like Caroline said, out of all the characters to share a birthday with, this match is freakishly perfect. <3

Still the best part. I'm really giddy over that.

The release party was fun despite how unorganized it was. Really glad Justin was able to make it. I'll have an actual post on that and pictures over at hp_costuming eventually and I'll have a link here. I just really wish we had gone to a Barnes & Noble instead--they're parties looked like so much fun this time around.

Now to talk of the book.

Chapter One: The Dark Lord Ascending

Can I just say what an awesome first chapter? Hooked me from the very beginning and it wouldn't let go. I think the first thing I freaked out over was to learn Remus and Tonks had gotten married. XD And then I got emo because I would have loved to read about the wedding and stuff.

I love how my thoughts, despite in a chapter like this, still go to characters like Remus and Tonks. Yeah, shows you who I love.

I think another little thing I really loved was how Narcissa grabbed Lucius' hand under the table. It wasn't in any secret, loving way but I still thought it was neat.

I just really enjoyed this chapter and thought it was an excellent way to start off the book.

Chapter Two: In Memoriam

Hrm. Since half of this chapter were newspaper clippings, it didn't leave that big of an imprint on me. The biggest thing was Gail and realizing there was tea in the teacup. XD Love you, darling. Yeah, not much to say on this chapter. -shrugs- Maybe it's because I'm really tired right now, too.

Chapter Three: The Dursleys Departing

Normal harping on Harry done by Vernon. Though, of course, it was much more serious this time. That wasn't the best part of the chapter, though.

The fact that Dedalus seemed so cheery was fantastic. And how he said he'd be confused by driving a car and all that. Oh, it was great. Aww. Sweet Dudley. I couldn't help thinking of Dudley in the OotP movie, though, when he was asking why Harry wasn't going with them. Odd. -shrugs-

Another chapter that didn't really imprint me.

Chapter Four: The Seven Potters

This one did, though. When I had first read the chapter title, I got excited and was hoping for more insight on the history of the Potters but I was so far off. It was still a really great chapter, though.

I loved how excited Tonks was over her marriage to Remus. It was adorable. They have to include Remus and Tonks' relationship in the sixth movie now. -huff- But still, so cute.

The entire battle and flight was crazy dramatic. Poor Hedwig. I was really on pins and needles as to what was happening with all the other pairs but of course, Harry being our protagonist, we had to stick with him. Understandable. It still made me worry about everyone else.

When they had fallen, I thought Hagrid died and I was freaking out like, 'OMG SO SOON?! But he didn't. So it's all good. XD

Chapter Five: Fallen Warrior

I was so excited to finally meet Ted and Andromeda. -squee- I wasn't too keen on Ted's character at first (but my fondness for him really grew later on) and I had wished we could have seen more of Andromeda but it's all good.


But dear lord, my love for the twins grew more than I ever thought possible in this chapter.

"'You see...I'm holy. Holey, Fred, geddit?'

'Pathetic,' he told George. 'Pathetic! With the whole wide world of ear-related humour before you, you go for holey?'"

That was absolutely amazing--how they can continue to joke in such serious times. I admire them so much and hardcore adore them.

And then Ron and Tonks came back. And, of course, there was all this foreshadowing that something was up with Remus and I was freaking out over what it could be until we actually did find out. But Hermione and Ron were cute.

And then Tonks went and said they definetly injured Rodolphus. D: My favourite Death Eater. -emo- I wish we had learned more about him.

This was the first time I had cried in the book: Moody died. T___T So sad. It was just so tragic. And so early on, too.

Chapter Six: The Ghoul In Pajamas

This chapter wasn't particularly eye-popping to me, either. All these chapters that I don't deem as amazing or anything I still love, just not as much as others. Like this one.

The ghoul seemed rather gross, though. XD

Chapter Seven: The Will of Albus Dumbledore

"Although they were only around a foot away, there was something immensely satisfying about seeing them zoom toward him, at least until they poked him in the eye.

'Slick,' snorted Ron."

"'I'd do your fly by hand, though,' Ron advised Harry, sniggering when Harry immediately checked it."

XDDD That part was just utterly fantabulous. And so was the present Ron gave Harry! Total Ron/Hermione indications there when Ron said he would've known how to get going with who we all know would have been Hermione if he had finished that statement.

And then Ginny and Harry snogged! Huzzah! XD -sporfle-

I think it would have been neat to get the Deluminator in Dumbledore's will. Pretty awesome for Ron, huh? I was pretty stumped by all the items until their uses became clear, of course. It was intriguing at the same time.

Oh, and backtracking, Harry's cake was awesome.

"'Ron, you know full well Harry and I were brought up by Muggles!' said Hermione. 'We didn't hear stories like that when we were little, we heard 'Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs' and 'Cinderella'--'

'What's that, an illness?' asked Ron."

That got many giggles from me, too. I love Ron.

Chapter Eight: The Wedding

I actually got really excited when I had started to read this chapter because I had really been looking forward to all of this. And it didn't disappoint.

Aunt Muriel bothers me but hey, added to the story and all that. I was on Dumbledore's side through and through with this book. I believed there was truth to what Muriel said but that it was altered slightly. I'm glad Dumbledore wasn't the perfect man Harry thought he was but he was still such a great man.

The wedding was great. I loved how Luna got excited over getting bitten by a gnome and I must admit I was surprised when Viktor showed up. Though it gave for some more good Ron/Hermione fluffiness. And I was intrgued when Viktor got on Xeno's case and whatnot for wearing the sign of a Dark Wizard.

Of course, as I had suspected, something bad happened. Poor Bill and Fleur. This being a war and all, though, something had to disturb the wedding somehow.

Chapter Nine: A Place To Hide

Hermione is the newfound MARY POPPINS. xD Her bag made me giggle--I half expected her to pull out a measuring tape that said she was practically perfect in every way. She had clothes for Ron and Harry and it was just too convenient. Haha.

But more Ron/Hermione-ness! Yay. Ron got all angry when the guys were hollering at Hermione. Awwes. Typical Lancelot.

Either Ron doesn't like coffee in general or he doesn't like coffee made by Muggles. Too bad. -shrugs- Nice events that played out at the cafe, though. These three tend to work best when there is no plan, it seems. My kind of action. xD


But dude, the shadowy creature that was supposed to be Dumbledore was creepy. I couldn't get the shivers away and it was just eerie. And yay for Sirius' mum coming back! Haha.

And, of course, more visions through the eyes of Voldemort. They were so frequent in this book. Oh well. Good chapter. I really liked everything that happened while they were staying at Grimmauld Place.

Chapter Ten: Kreacher's Tale

First things first...YAY FOR THE CHAPTER PICTURE! I immediately knew it was the Marauders and squealed.

Sirius' room seemed pretty neat either way. Him and his bikini-clad Muggle girls. XD But he did show his pride for being in Gryffindor. WIN. And then Harry found the picture of the Marauders and I did a little dance. James and Sirius in all their arrogant glory. x3

And ohemgee the letter from Lily made me flip out even more. I was so excited I was getting so much on the Marauder's Era and whatnot. And of course Sirius' gift would be Harry's favourite. I always imagined gifts from Sirius would rock. Reading Lily's letter, though, was just too bittersweet. She was so happy and yet in just a few months, their whole world would be shattered. It's so heartbreaking.

Like Harry thought, though, Lily had really lived and she had a good life, as short as it may have been.

OMG. The photograph? How cute! Especially since it was torn in half so you could only see James' legs. I can just imagine it in my mind--a little Harry flying with a pair of legs chasing him around. I can't get over how cute it must be.

And then, of course, Hermione and Ron freak out when Harry's not there. Understandable of course and Ron calling him a git was great. Just because.

So most of the population of Harry Potter fans were right--RAB was Regulus. No surprise there but the trio seemed rather ecstatic to learn who it finally was.

When we heard Kreacher's tale, I knew it there would be a change in his character. The story was so sad, though. Regulus would have been an interesting character to learn more about and it was nice that he saved Kreacher's life. Of course, this tale cleared up so much and it made many things make so much more sense. And then Kreacher started to hurt himself and sob and...yeah.

Chapter Eleven: The Bribe

This was the first truly heartbreaking chapter for me and the first place I really cried. And getting angry and wanting to hit both Harry and Remus.

When someone entered, I panicked just as much as the trio but when the male revealed himself to be Remus I did a little squeal. I was very excited to see Remus and someone other than part of the trio. Learning what the Death Eaters were doing to the Prophet and Ministry made me angry, though. Pah. Stupid people.

I always had this suspicion that Tonks was pregnant and this chapter confirmed it. I had to get all giddy inside, actually, because the child would just be absolutely adorable. I mean, hello! Remus and Tonks are two very pretty people. XD

At first the idea of Remus joining the trio got me really excited because I simply adore Remus. Then, of course, I realized it could never happen because it had to be just the trio and I didn't want Remus to just abandon Tonks and her child.

For once, I sided with Harry when he got mad at Remus. It just wasn't right for him to leave Tonks like that. In a really weird way, I could sort of understand where he was coming from because of him being a werewolf and all but it still wasn't right. I was shocked to learn that Ted and Andromeda didn't approve, per se, of Tonks marrying a werewolf. After everything I'm sure Andromeda went through by marring a Muggle-born, you would think they'd be okay with their daughter marrying a werewolf. -shrug-

I was really upset at this because, although it is very much Remus' character to think of his state in such a way, it was heartbreaking. Harry was right in what he was saying to Remus but his tone got to me. He could have at least thought before speaking.

And then, however upset I may have been with Remus (because I had to forgive him--he's Remus! <3), I had to draw the line with Harry. And we've always known he's had some anger issues. -cough-

"'I think you're feeling a bit of a daredevil,' Harry said. 'You fancy stepping into Sirius's shoes-'"

I would have drawn the line there--that was just utterly uncalled for. Never compare Remus to Sirius. If I was Remus I would have left after that, too.

Still, though, going off of Harry's thoughts, I have a feeling James would have sided with Harry. He wouldn't have wanted one of his best mates to abandon his wife and unborn child. Either way, I was crying during the whole argument and wanted to jump into the book and yell at both of them. -grumble-

Rita Skeeter was, of course, still making me sick. Despicable woman.

At least we learned where the locket was. Out favourite hem-hemming character has returned! xP

Chapter Twelve: Magic Is Might

I love Kreacher being all sweet and whatnot. It really was sort of cute in a weird way.

Ah, but Snape as Headmaster? I still believed he was a good guy at this point, of course, but McGonagall would have made a better Headmistress. I understand why it was Snape obviously but still. xD

Hermione's a genius with getting Phineas' portrait and I got really excited for them and the whole plan to sneak into the Ministry. It had to be exciting, no?

And more insight to what Voldemort was up to! Huzzah!

And then came the exciting part of sneaking into the Ministry. You know what was the best part as to who they became? Ron's person's name was Reginald! XD I had to get a little giddy with that.

I totally just remembered that the lady Hermione changed into, Mafalda, was the lady who wrote Harry the letter in the second book saying that a hover charm was detected in his house and whatnot.

I was rather disturbed when they had to flush themselves into the Ministry. Ew. The new statue in the Atrium was simply disturbing. And poor Ron having to fix the raining office. Like he'd know what to do. -giggle-

Chapter Thirteen: The Muggle-Born Registration Commission

When Harry got to Umbridge's office, I was appalled. Using Moody's eye like that. -shudder- Sick. Just plain wrong. And how she uses it to spy on people. Ugh. And then when he found Arthur's file in the cabinet? This book made me detest Umbridge that much more and JK did a rather good job of it.

I would have liked to have seen that poisonous duck the workers were talking about, actually. XD

When Arthur and Harry were in the same lift, I half expected Harry to tell Arthur it was him. That would've been interesting.

I felt so awful for those Muggle-borns who were surrounded by the Dementors. And it must have been tough for Hermione to just sit there as well. When Harry snuck in and stunned Umbridge and Yaxley my first thought was, 'Idiot!'

It didn't turn out nearly as bad as I had thought it would, though.

And when the real Reg came. Haha. That got a laugh out of me because that meant Ron was screwed. And uhm, erm, then crazy stuff happened and the chapter ended. XD

Chapter Fourteen: The Thief

Poor Ron. D: I mean...OUCH. He really needs to stop getting splinched, yeah? But seriously.

"...where a great chunk of flesh was missing, scopped cleanly away as though by a knife."


Yay for putting up tents and protective charms and the likes! And I was getting sick and tired of Ron trying to stop Harry from using Voldemort's name. Of course, later on there was a good reason why but in this chapter it just seemed pointless.

And then we have deep conversations as said by the trio where they discussed...lots of stuff. We then learn Gregorovitch is dead and Harry is once more seeing into Voldemort's mind. Yay...?

Chapter Fifteen: The Goblin's Revenge

Now we get to some angsty teenage hormones! xD Of course, the locket doesn't help. The beginning of this chapter was simply showing that the friendships between these three were thoroughly being tested. Wiht planning on finding the Horcruxes off to the side.

The best part of the chapter for me was the conversation the trio eavesdropped on. I was really excited when I learned Ted was there and I was rather intrigued simply by the whole things. I simply loved how much Ted defended Harry and the likes.

Huzzah for Luna, Neville, and Ginny being fantastic and trying to steal the sword (as fake as it may be)! At least they wound up being okay.

Then talking to Phineas was pretty neat.

But then RON UP AND LEFT. I had almost been expecting something like that but still reading it was awful. I knew he would have to come back because I mean, hello, trio! It was still very sad and yet somewhat sweet with how distraught Hermione was.

Chapter Sixteen: Godric's Hollow

One of my other favourite chapters. And I knew from the picture that I would love it because I immediately recognized the statue as James, Lily, and Harry. AWWES.

First we had all the emo-ness over Ron being gone and Harry and Hermione traveling alone and the likes.

When they arrived at village, I squealed a little bit. It seemed like such a quaint little town and it was too sweet. And yet heartbreaking for Harry. When he saw the statue of himself and his parents, I just started to tear up.

Of course, the best part of the chapter was the end. It was where I had learned that James and I have the same birthday. I cannot tell you how much I freaked out and was giddy for quite some time. After all that, the tears came. I just couldn't keep them away.

I knew they were just tombstones but Harry crying and the fact that it was James and Lily really did me in. I couldn't stop crying. And Gail made me pretty giddy when she told me she was thinking of me during this scene and imagining how distraught I was. <3

It was just heartbreaking.

Chapter Seventeen: Bathilda's Secret

I was still crying from the previous chapter and the beginning of this chapter had me crying, too. The sign in front of their old cottage? So sad.

What really got me were the messages people had left for Harry--too sweet. I've always loved the witches and wizards who avidly supported Harry even if they didn't know him personally. If I was Harry, those messages would have gotten me bawling.

Now, after all that had subsided, this chapter was really freaky. o_o I mean, Bathilda was just creepy. Like...uberly.

When she asked Harry to come upstairs alone, I knew something was up.


Yeah, just like that.

Then we had crazy fighting and it was CRAZY. Can you just imagine the book ending here?

Voldemort: -shows up- Avada Kedavra!
Hermione: -dead-
Voldemort: Avada Kedavra!
Harry: -dead-
Voldemort: LAWLROFL.

-giggles- Haha. xDDD;

But it didn't, duh. Hermione, being the genius she is, managed to escape with Harry. But it was still CRAZY.

And then, of course, I STARTED CRYING AGAIN.

She had to go and write Lily and James' death and I was sobbing the entire time. I mean, James producing different coloured smoke puffs to play with Harry? TOO CUTE. But I knew what was coming and I couldn't keep back the tears. I didn't want to read their death--I was always distraught enough over the fact that they're dead.

The way she described James' death really did me. The metaphor she used was scarily and creepily perfect.

"...and James Potter fell like a marionette whose strings were cut..."


And so we return to Harry and Hermione and--LOL HARRY'S WAND BROKE.

UH. THAT SUCKS. 'Nuff said.

Chapter Eighteen: The Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore

Ew. We had to read part of Rita Skeeter's book. Despite all the shady aspects of Dumbledore's life, I still have to respect the man. Even by the end I was rooting for him. I mean, I had to. It's Dumbledore.

Rita's book made me cringe, though. So evil. Despite all that, though, it was really interesting to read all of it anyway. Especially the letter to Grindelwald and the simple fact that he was friends with Grindelwald!

If I were Harry, I'd be pretty upset. The one man you've looked up to and for guidance and there's all this stuff you don't know? Yeah, I'd be ticked.

Chapter Nineteen: The Silver Doe

Dude. One of the best chapters of the whole book. I loved this chapter.

I was intrigued from the moment Harry saw the Patronus and was just really excited to learn what would happen next. And I hadn't guessed who had conjured the Patronus yet either. But it was so neat.

And I would never have jumped into that pond for the sword. Well, actually, yeah, I would have if I knew how important the sword was. Otherwise, I would have been scared out of my mind. With my fear of drowning, this part was a rather tough read.

I mean, when Harry started drowning in the pond, I could literally feel and hear my breaths becoming much deeper and noticeable. It was as if I needed to reassure myself that I was still breathing.

When someone saved him, I knew it was Ron. Absolutely knew it. And then when the first thing he said was asking Harry if he was mental, my suspicions were confirmed. It was Ron and I got all giddy inside. I was waiting for some crazy dramatic embrace but I never got it. D:

This really showed Ron's character and his bravery and it made me love him that much more.

Then I was cheering when Harry said Ron should stab the locket. It was terrible how the locket tortured Ron and whatnot but hey, Ron/Hermione-ness either way. It was so sad the way the Riddle-Harry and Hermione were talking to Ron, even though it was all a lie. And the pain that Ron felt when they kissed. Aw. He totally loves her.

I almost thought Ron was about to attack Harry when Harry jumped out of the way and wanted to bang my head on the book. Then he stabbed the locket. And all was well.

Then I got my hug and when Hermione saw Ron, I was expecting the kiss to come.

But not, she beat him up and went all deranged. :D Interesting about the Deluminator leading Ron to them, though.

Chapter Twenty: Xenophilius Lovegood

Well, it was very nice to see Ron in a cheerful mood, even if Hermione was hating. XD Now we learn that Voldemort's name is jinxed and I half thought Ron was just stretching the truth, despite the story about Kingsley.

Haha. Yay for a Ron-getting-scared-of-a-spider scene!

You know, it's funny. Hermione was so avid on going to see Xeno and Harry was getting impatient with her but went anyway. Yet, Harry's "obsession" with the Hallows was treated the same way by Hermione. Pah. Kids. -giggle-

Anyway. Yay for going to see where the Lovegoods live!

So far the Lovegoods house was pretty awesome. Just as quirky and out there as I had hoped. All that glee vanished when Xeno appeared. It was very easy to tell that he wasn't acting himself and it really made me suspicious.

Then Hermione had to go and bicker with him. XD

And -gasp!- the first mention of the Deathly Hallows. -eerie music plays-

Chapter Twenty-One: The Tale of Three Brothers

The story was really interesting to read about, I thought, because it resembled stories I've read before. Specifically something by the Brothers Grimm or something. Still, it was really unique from a wizard/witches' point of view, though.

Then they got into a discussion if it was all real and the likes. I believed the Hallows really existed but not exactly in the way that the story explained them.

When Harry went up to Luna's room, I wanted to cry in pure happiness. She's so sweet. The portraits and how they were all connected by the word 'friends'. I think it'd be so neat to see it in the movie. Luna's so amazing--I love her character.

And yet when Harry noticed the room was completely undisturbed and the likes, I knew that things were up. I was half afraid that Luna was dead and I got really worried. Xeno knew stuff we didn't and I was getting really anxious as to what it could be.

Then we learned it was all because Luna had been kidnapped and so I had understood why Xeno would turn in Harry. I mean, it's not right but it's obvious he really cares for Luna. The trio got away, of course, and I had a feeling Hermione would come up with a genius way to prove to the Death Eaters that Harry was really there.

Chapter Twenty-Two: The Deathly Hallows

The discussion over the Hallows was interesting and all but Potterwatch was what really made me love this chapter. I think the idea of a radio talk show supporting Harry was a brilliant idea. Plus it was rather amusing and Remus was a guest so that made me happy.

And we all know how much Lee Jordan rocks with hosting things. He's amusing and eventful as always. They couldn't have chosen a better host for the show. When Fred came on, I had to giggle at this nickname. Haha. Rodent.

And then it was confirmed that Voldemort's name really was jinxed. I have to admit that was absolutely ingenious on the Death Eaters' part.

Chapter Twenty-Three: Malfoy Manor

All right, all right. So they all got kidnapped (along with Dean) and it was all exciting and pins and needles but the good stuff didn't happen until we actually arrived at the Malfoy's Manor.

Dude. Bella's crazy. AND OMG POOR HERMIONE. D:

But with how frantic Ron was over not being able to get to her, it was more proof that he totally loves her. So upsetting though. Whenever it mentioned that Hermione was screaming, I got shivers up my spine. So creepy.

And hey! We found Luna and Ollivander! Huzzah!

And more franticness of Hermione being tortured. So sad.

And Dobby's the hero. Taking Ollivander and Luna and Dean away to safety. It was pretty nice to see Dobby again, too. Sweet little house elf.

Dude. OMG. WTF. Peter's death?!


I didn't get it. XD It was so lame. I wasn't sure what I had just read because it all of a sudden just happened.

Then we had the whole confrontation and the trio got the hell out of there with the help of Dobby.

...OMG DOBBY. T______T

I couldn't cry during his death but it was so utterly heartbreaking. I was blubbering over his admiration and loyalty to Harry. So sad.

Chapter Twenty-Four: The Wandmaker

Dobby's little funeral was so utterly bittersweet. I really loved when the three boys gave them pieces of their outfit. A free elf in every way.

And it was nice to see Bill again. Yay Bill!

These chapters at Shell Cottage weren't the most gripping but they were interesting nonetheless. -shrug- I didn't trust Griphook right from the start but it was nice to see Ollivander again. He told Harry some pretty interesting things.

Chapter Twenty-Five: Shell Cottage

Interesting plan to break into Gringotts, huh? -shrug-

I just loved it when Remus came back. And then he hugged Harry. And I went, 'AWWW.'

Yay for Tonks having her baby! And naming him after her father--little Teddy. Must've been utterly adorable. -giggle-

The scenes with Remus were just heartwarming. A nice getaway from all the drama and darkness.

Chapter Twenty-Six: Gringotts

XD Just imagine Hermione as Bella. Or a really sweet Bella. Ah, that was terribly funny. I has half hoping Ron would have been changed into Rodolphus but then I remembered he was dead (or at least I've been assuming he died).

The whole events that played out at Gringotts were crazy. And so dramatic. At least they got the goblet, though, yeah? But it was still crazy. I don't really have much to comment on with this chapter--it was just action-packed fun! xD

Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Final Hiding Place

This was a really short chapter and most of it was just Voldemort's thoughts. I have to admit the whole dragon flying thing was pretty awesome. Proved to everyone that the picture that was released wasn't Norbert. Too bad, huh?

Anyway. Not much to say with this chapter.

Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Missing Mirror


I was super excited when they went back to Hogwarts--I had missed the school. And then the barman of the Hog's Head saved our trio and he turned out to be Aberforth. Interesting, huh? He was very good at fooling the Death Eaters, too. Pah. They're idiots. XD

And when Harry found the other mirror, I was half hoping to see Sirius. Now we learned who the blue eye belonged to, though. Aberforth is a really interesting character, I must say. I was really intrigued to heart what he had to say about his brother.

It was so heartbreaking to hear him speak of his sister and all the events of his past with Albus and the likes. I really felt bad for him.

Then I was cheered up. YAY NEVILLE.

My thoughts immediately went to Gail and how happy she must have been. x3

Chapter Twenty-Nine: The Lost Diadem

It was so awesome seeing Neville again. I love this character and with how he spoke as they were heading through the halls and to the Room of Requirement, I realized just how much his characters has evolved. He's become so brave and so sure of himself and I simply adore him.

It was pretty awesome to see the DA again, too. I missed all those times in the fifth book. And how they all still supported Harry and Dumbledore. Pretty spectacular if you ask me.

And I was really glad that Harry finally let the DA help. I would have wanted to hit him if he tried to be all, 'Oh no, you can't help us. Blah blah blah...' But he let them help and I was happy.

Dude. How cool is the way to get into the Ravenclaw Common Room? I think it's utterly fantastic that you have to answer a question and whatnot. It makes perfect sense and yet it's still so awesome.

Then Alecto shows up. Oh boy.

Chapter Thirty: The Sacking of Severus Snape

Haha. Alecto got stunned. -pause-


Oh, I can't even tell you how happy I was to have McGonagall back. She kicks so much ass. I'm really excited to see Maggie Smith portray McGonagall in the next two movies. She's nearly on par with Alan Rickman on awesomeness of portraying one's character in the movies.

And aww! Harry defended McGonagall. He's grown rather fond of her over the years, I'm sure. She's that amazing. Plus she was all for Harry doing his task and the likes and my admiration for her continued to grow.

Yay for Snape making an appearance! Huzzah!

"...pointing at the Snape-shaped hold in the window."

LOL. A Snape-shaped hole. That got several giggles out of me.

Dude. Flitwick and Sprout simply win at life. Slughorn? Meh.

I loved the Knights coming to life to protect Hogwarts and whatnot. I wish the Harry Potter universe was real. I want to go to Hogwarts. xP

Yay for the Order coming to help save the day! And for McGonagall allowing students of age to fight. Poor Ginny had to stay behind. I have a feeling Harry would have preferred it that way, though.

I was really excited when Percy came back and decided not to be a prat anymore. That was the best ever.

Besides, of course, Remus trying to break the tension by pulling out a picture. That was amazing. And I can just imagine a turquoise-haired little boy. CUTE.

Chapter Thirty-One: The Battle Of Hogwarts

Hahahaha. Voldemort is his own personal microphone. XD Sorry, that whole part was pretty amusing.

I can't describe how cool it was for me to have students and the Order and teachers all banding together to fight. It was so awesome and inspiring. The energy was flowing through me as I read and I was getting all excited and ready for crazy mad fighting to happen.

Hrm. The Gray Lady was a rather interesting character, no? She seemed rather stubborn and the likes but she was an intriguing read. And she did help Harry, however confusing and stubborn she may have been.

Whoo-hoo! Hagrid's back! -punches fist in the air- And we saw a little glimpse of Sir Cadogan again. -giggle-

And then we meet up with Ron and Hermione and my love for Ron GROWS. Little genius Weasley. He really sounded amazing when he decided they should go to the Chamber of Secrets and whatnot. I really want to try and hear him speak Parseltongue, though.






There was a clatter as the basilisk fangs cascaded out of Hermione's arms. Running at Ron, she flung them around his neck and kissed him full on the mouth. Ron threw away the fangs and broomstick he was holding and responded with such enthusiasm that he lifted Hermione off her feet."

OMG YAY. I read that passage over and over again and couldn't get rid of my giddy feeling.

Oh dear, I was so happy when I finally got to this scene. And I loved how Harry's just standing there like, 'La-dee-da...UHM HELLO WAR!' XDDD

Then we had that whole dilemma with Draco and Crabbe and Goyle. -shrug- Meh. Exciting but it seemed miniscule compared to what happened before and after it. At least we got the diadem, huh?

My giddiness over Ron and Hermione died when Fred died. I mean...what?! I was sobbing and I couldn't believe that Fred died.

I had mentioned to kitness that I had a feeling one of the twins would die and I hate that my feeling was right. I mean, poor George. It's just so awful. I love these twins and I can't believe Fred died. It's so heartbreaking and I was crying my heart out once more.

And Percy? Oh dear lord. He made even more tears come. When he finally returns to his family, his brother dies. How awful.

Chapter Thirty-Two: The Elder Wand

Very hectic chapter, no? It was crazy and everything happened so fast.

I did love when Ron ran by Draco and punched and shouted that it was the second time they had saved his life. Fantastic.

And then more crazy stuff happened and we were all of a sudden in the Shrieking Shack.

AND OMG NOT SNAPE. T___T I mean, I knew it was coming. It had to have been coming but that didn't make his death any easier. He was such an amazing character and I couldn't get over the fact that he died. And it was such a tragic death and all for a wand. -emo-

But his last moments with Harry were so heartbreaking. -sad face-

Chapter Thirty-Three: The Prince's Tale

DUDE. WTF. REMUS AND TONKS DIED. I expected Remus to die, honestly, as much as I didn't want it, but all of a sudden he was just...dead.

"...Remus and Tonks, pale and still and peaceful-looking, apparently asleep beneath the dark, enchanted ceiling."

I had to re-read that several times before I finally grasped that they were dead. As morbid as this sounds, I wish I could have read Remus' death. I mean...he was just dead and it came so fast. All of a sudden they had gone off to fight and suddenly they were dead in the Great Hall. I couldn't get over that. And poor Teddy! D:

Other than that part...


I love this chapter. Amazing. Before anything, kudos to kitness for her theory being exactly like this.

Haha. And despite everything, I'll still never support Sev/Lily. It doesn't work that way. It's an unrequited love. It was heartbreaking for Sev and I did tear up at how much he loved Lily. What he risked to do to protect her and all. I think it's utterly bittersweet but hey, James and Lily had a love unlike anything she could have ever had with Sev.

Like Holly and I freaked out about, James' Patronus is a stag and Lily's is a doe.


I think the relationship Lily and Sev had together was sweet and cute but nothing like James and Lily. Lily's feelings for Sev was more like a sister, it seems. Y'know, best friends. Nothing more on her part. -shrugs- Yeah, LAMES WILL ALWAYS WIN IN MY BOOK. XD

Haha. Lily + James = Lames. -giggle- That conversation was funny. Or y'know, Prevans. That name works, too.

Anywho. The chapter won at life and hey, a majority of the HP population was right. SNAPE'S A GOOD GUY HECK YES. <3

I was wrong on the part of Harry being a Horcrux, though. He was apparently. Interesting, huh?

Dude. I loved what Lily called Petunia when they were little. Tuney! -giggles- How cute. And I was rather surprised to learn that Petunia had written to Dumbledore. We finally knew how she knew about the Dementors, though--she had eavesdropped on Sev and Lily.

And, of course, eleven year old Sirius and James. Oh, come on. You couldn't have expected me not to address them. They were adorable!

"James lifted an invisible sword.
'Gryffindor, where dwell the brave at heart! Like my dad.'"

OMG CUTE. -squeal- I <3 James like you wouldn't believe. And hey, he didn't have eyes for Lily the minute he saw her. I have a feeling him being smitten with her started second year or so. Either way, cutest little wizard ever. And him and Sirius hit it off from the start, apparently. I can't get over the Marauders. I <3 them.

And...yeah. I'm gushing over this chapter too much that I'm not sure what else to say. I just love this chapter.


Chapter Thirty-Four: The Forest Again

I think it was pretty awesome that Harry decided to confide in Neville. Neville is such a spectacular character and he just wins at life. It was so sad when Harry walked by Ginny, too. D:

But then I started sobbing again.

Harry brought back (in a weird way) James, Lily, Sirius, and Remus and I couldn't keep the tears away. It was just so sweet in a sad way. They're his guardians and it made me tremble with tears. -sad face- I loved when Harry asked if dying hurt, though, and Sirius replied all casually and the likes. Typical Sirius.

And AWWES. James told Harry they'd be with him until the end and it was just too sweet. I had to flail quite a bit.

And then OMG HARRY DIED. >>;

Chapter Thirty-Five: King's Cross

I know some people feel cheated by the fact that Harry was a Horcrux and yet he still didn't have to die. The way that JK explained it to be possible, though, made it all make sense and it was okay that Harry could still live.

This chapter was a little creepy and yet very sentimental. I'm glad Harry got this time with Dumbledore. I cleared up many questions.

Chapter Thirty-Six: The Flaw In The Plan

Dude. Narcissa's an AMAZING mother. Same thing with Lucius and being a father and the likes. They're love for Draco is absolutely phenomenal and I love these two for it.


When he stood up for Harry and the likes, I was freaking out that he would die and got all crazy worried. Then he killed Nagini (whoo Neville!) and Harry saved him and all was well. -sigh of relief-

"The house-elves of Hogwarts swarmed into the entrance hall, screaming and waving carving knives and cleavers..."

OMGLAWLLOL. That picture made me giggle like mad. I can just see them hacking away at the ankles and feet of the Death Eaters. Merlin, it's simply too funny. xDDDD

I was super disappointed that Neville wasn't the one to kill Bella. D: Molly made up for it kind of but it still didn't grant my wish of Neville avenging his parents. Awwes. And yet this absolutely won at life...


I almost fell out of my chair with laughter when that happened.

Voldemort and Harry's final battle was sort of shocking. Most of it was just talking. And then it was like...


So I stared at the page for a while dumbfounded. It was dramatic and all that and I love foreplay but still, it wasn't exactly what I was expecting. But hey, that's okay. Still a great sequence.

When Ron and Harry and Hermione entered the Headmaster's office, it was just too perfect and I started crying again when portrait!Dumbledore was crying. So utterly perfect.

Epilogue: Nineteen Years Later

Fairytale ending, huh? As fluffy as it was and seeming somewhat like a fanfiction, I'm glad she ended it this way. It was a very content feeling and just happy.

I didn't like the entire epilogue but there were some parts I liked. Lile little James! Who is exactly like his grandfather--arrogant and a total tease. I adore him. He made me giggle like you wouldn't believe.

I thought it was fantastic how James was freaking out about Teddy snogging Victoire. XD That was just amazingly awesome. Haha. And so was this:

"'Don't forget to give Neville our love!' Ginny told James as she hugged him.
'Mum! I can't give a professor love!'
'But you know Neville--'
James rolled his eyes.
'Outside, yeah, but at school he's Professor Longbottom, isn't he? I can't walk into Herbology and give him love...'"


The other best part was Ron.

"'If you're not in Gryffindor, we'll disinherit you,' said Ron, 'but no pressure.'"

He said that to one of his kids and it made me giggle some more. Also when all the kids were staring at Harry and his own kids wondered why and the likes. Ron was once more fantastic.

"'Don't let it worry you,' said Ron. 'It's me. I'm extremely famous.'"

I also adored when Harry told little Albus that Snape was the bravest man he knew. That was a tearjerker.

Anyway. Another one of the reasons I'm glad she ended it the way she did is because it's such a content ending that there's no need for sequels. Prequels on the other hand...that's another story. And merlin, I think I'll die of pure happiness if she ever does prequels.


How many times were they going to try and accio something and not have it come to them? Honestly. XD

And it was fantastic when Hermione said 'Merlin's pants!' That was awesome.

In all honesty? I can't believe it's over. I was sobbing after I had finished reading it in pure shock. It's such a big part of my life and it doesn't feel right that's it over. Not at all. It's almost like I'm losing part of myself. I love this series and it's such a great loss.

I am glad I was born when I was so I could enjoy it in my youth and be there when everything was first coming out, though. Everything with this series has been a treat and I can't express my gratitude towards JK. I love this series.

Harry Potter always and forever. ♥♥♥♥♥

So anywho. I'll probably make a post later tonight with a link to pictures from the release party. -nods-

In other exciting news...


Kirstie is amazing and let me know he's performing in Vegas then and my dad was even more amazing and bought me tickets. I can't even fathom this. I get to see my all-time favourite artist in concert and I'm so freaking excited. Since he's not exactly my time period, I was worried if I would ever get to see him and now I am and I'm flipping out.

Plus Gail and I are probably going to go see the Remus Lupins and that's amazing because they're the best wizard rock band ever.

I really need to get going, though. May make a post later tonight, though.


(harry potter) general, (harry potter) marauders are my life, (harry potter) jp = my fictional love, (harry potter) deathly hallows, (music) billy joel

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