"Don't worry, Hermione. I'll go easy on you. "

Jul 10, 2007 20:20

[music| The Weasleys//The Remus Lupins]

Mkay. Review of my midnight HP experience and the movie itself!

I got in line around 4:45 and quickly made some new friends who pretty much joined our group. I met Austin, Melissa, and David. They were pretty neat and we just had fun talking and whatnot. At around 6:15 or so, Becky and Gail arrived.

We played trivia with my HP trivia cards with other fans and just sort of ran around like crazy people. Temple told me he'd be getting there around 6 and didn't get there till like 9:30. We worried sick. xD But he came, so it's all good.

Kirstie also came and it made me flail like you wouldn't believe. <3

So we got some dinner, saw Becky's new kitten (who is ADORABLE), and threw gummi bears at each other before the movie. XD Now let's review the movie, huh?

Kay. Let me start off with the one thing that people who know me well enough knew was coming.

Snape's Worst Memory. D: They ruined it. It was so...not there. I really should learn not to have high expectations for things. I had the highest expectations and was heartbroken. I mean, sure, it's not the worst thing to ruin--for lack of a better word--but being the Marauders fan that I am, it was awful.

Good thing about it? Their James was the cutest thing ever and his smirk made me flail like such a fangirl. Holy bejeebus, I love James.

But still...I just, I was hoping for so much more. I really wanted to see the Marauders. Their Sirius wasn't drop-dead gorgeous from the split second we saw of him. Emo. And we didn't even see Remus, Peter, or Lily, who they all casted. Remus and Peter were in the scene but we never even saw Lily, who they released a screencap of.

Hello, they better have deleted scenes on the DVD!

I should just stop talking about that scene. It's my favourite scene out of all six books (so far, of course, here's hoping there's much more on the Marauders/Lily in the seventh book) and it didn't leave me giddy like I had hoped it would. Oh wel, I s'pose. Not the end of the world. Kay. I really need to stop moping over it.

OMG. Yay for Ron/Hermione over Harry/Hermione! WIN. Win like you would not believe. All their little moments made me flail and get all giggly. Like when they were laughing over Harry's kiss with Cho? Emma's giggle is the cutest thing ever and she and Rupert just had the best chemistry ever.

They made Grawp slightly lovable but pah--hello, Ron/Hermione scene! He was all jealous and trying to be protective. How CUTE. And when she rung the bell? That was just fantastic.

Jeez, I'm just so excited to have their relationship explored in the two upcoming movies. They're just too adorable together and I hardcore adore them. -wibbles- I'd fall for Ron if I was Hermione. xD

Plus when Ron defended Harry against Seamus, I totally cheered. Ron's character was just fantastic in this film.

Harry and Cho's kiss? Pah. I just simply don't like Cho all that much. Plus they were setting up for Harry/Ginny so much for the next movie so I didn't notice Cho much. Plus Ginny is just so perfect for Harry. Yay canon! FTW.

Another scene that completely won? Well, it certainly made Gail and I giggle like freaks. When Harry and Arthur were going to the Ministry and Arthur was clinging to the escalator and couldn't get through the gate. I loved that because well, Arthur's amazing.

Dude. Dudley was just weird. All I will say. o_o

I adored the relationship between Sirius and Harry in this--it was just too sweet. I love James--he's my favourite character!--but since he's gone, Sirius is just fantastic with how much he cares for Harry. When he gave Harry the picture of the Order, I flailed like whoa. I'm in love with Adrian Rawlins. Perfect James ever. If only we could see more of him. Yuh.

So I heard Molly tell Sirius that Harry isn't James but I had really been looking forward to seeing the argument between them. That was a powerful scene to me in the book, so I had been looking forward to it in the movie. More sad day-ness.

And when Sirius called Harry 'James'? That was just...it was awesome in a really weird way. I wish they had done more with that.

Oh, and by the way, Sirius punching Lucius WON AT LIFE.

DUDE. Sirius' death was pathetic. I couldn't even believe it. I was almost ashamed because even though I didn't want him to die and all, his death didn't do him justice. Sad day. I didn't cry like I thought I would. Actually, the only time I almost cried was when Neville told Harry about his parents. It's so heartbreaking.

The Department of Mysteries, as fast as it passed, was pretty frickin' AWESOME. The fight between the Death Eaters and Aurors was amazing. I loved how it was black and white and when they apparated it was all smoky. Gosh, it was just too awesome. I loved that fight. And when the Aurors first came, Remus was standing all noble and rebellious and it made do another Marauders squeal.

So when the four Death Eaters who held Ron and Hermione and everyone else hostage and had their masks off? I was trying to find the one that looked most like Rodolphus. I wish he was a bigger character. D:

Pah. Okay. Casting? PHENOMNAL. Helena Boneham Carter made me flail like you wouldn't believe. Her Bellatrix was just like....guh. So crazy which was perfect. Evanna is the perfect Luna and although I thought I would hate her voice, I loved it. Imelda as Umbridge made me hate Umbridge which was the whole point. OMG. They got Harry's standards right unlike in the screencap they released! Yay. That scene, though, made me cling to my hand. Uh, ouch much? And Ralph. Oh, Ralph. Perfect Voldemort EVER. And I'll never get over Jason as Lucius. Love.

I LOVE TONKS. :D Natalia was so amazing as Tonks, no matter what other people say. When she almost tripped, I immediately fell in love. Perfect Tonks. I'm really excited for her and David in the next movie. I really hope they don't leave out Remus/Tonks but knowing my luck they will. D:

Fred and George made me so happy. When they were comforting Michael? OMG SO SWEET. They're such sweethearts and I love them. Especially when George is flirting with Cornelia (Corny, hah, XD). And their exit was just amazing. Sad that there was no swamp but hey, it's all good. I love the twins.

Harry getting possessed? Cool. And Albus and Voldemort's fight? -dead-

All-in-all, I really liked it, I just didn't like how it was rushed.

-mopes about Snape's Worst Memory-

I'm entering a costume contest next week at the release for the book! YAY. As dear Lily, of course. x3

I'll be posting pictures from Fourth of July sometime soon as well.

Erm. I just feel really stressed and moody right now. I'm not sure why on the moody part but pah. -grumbles-

In good news, got a new layout. It's very...pink. But I LOVE IT. kousuke_blade, kousuke_blade, kousuke_blade, kousuke_blade, kousuke_blade!

And I got a new ringtone for my cell phone. And I adore it. I love listening to it. -squee-

I need to write the letter to my Grandfather tomorrow. Like really badly. Must do that. Kay. I'll go now.


(harry potter) general, (film) movie review, (film) general

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