A very interesting update.
Instead of replying to the users who have asked some questions - and most of them in a very respectful and polite manner, I have to point out! - Anton Nosik, SUP big wig (remember, the one who called critics "idiots" and "dicks" in the past), gave an interview. In Russian, so it took a while to surface in the English-speaking part of LJ, but now a translation is available, thanks to
russianswinga. You can find the article in the LJ of
(...) So why would you not grant new users the opportunity to lose their mind in such a way?
In my opinion, they should be given that option. But since the new rules there hasn't been a single verifiable person who would have claimed that his right to a base account has been violated. Nonetheless, I don't believe we should forbid bloggers that join after the 12th of march to downgrade sponsored or paid accounts into base accounts. I hope we will make the matching change. But this does not depend on me, it will be the collective decision of the company.
When will that decision be made?
That's the problem. Because of the blackmail that has begun, our hands are tied.(...) Asked about possible consequences if upset customers call advertisers, he said:
"(...) Where will you find such idiots that will call serious companies? (...)"
And so on, and so on. If you're voicing criticism, you're a "blackmailer". And so we are responsible if the basic accounts are not available more. You know, it almost reads like one of the old articles about dissidents in the German Democratic Republic.
Not renewing our accounts would damage his business. Not POSTING certainly doesn't. But his statements haven't done one thing to convince me to renew my paid account.
But in one thing he's right and I fully agree with him: the majority of LJ users doesn't give a shit. So in the end, LJ will win, the community will break up, and that's it. So yeah - that's basically it.