PLEASE READ THIS ENTRY It lists all the popular interests that LJ has erased from its "most popular" list - which would be
Sex, Boys, Guys, Girls, Fanfiction, Yaoi, Hardcore, Porn, Bondage, Faeries, Pain, Depression, and Bisexuality
This is not a joke. According to SUP/LJ, there are no people on LJ who are interested in sex, fanfiction, yaoi
Read more... )
So yes, I guess LJ is going down the drain. I'm trying to find a solution where to go with my stuff; I love wordpress, but it makes interaction almost impossible, as it really is a blog, not a journal. InsaneJournal, on the other hand - well, it's a dead place as far as my fandom is concerned.
And please, please, please wait with deleting Galadhir until I've downloaded all your wonderful stories! :-( Just for my own pleasure, I won't distribute them. I love your writing. Give me a day or two or three, please? I'd be very grateful.
(Btw if you want to keep your fic and have it hosted somewhere, unconnected to your professional writing: just whistle. The JM is a large ship with lots of free hosting and unlimited bandwidth.)
So far I don't have the intention of giving up my journals; but I'll definitely won't renew them. I have the problem that most pictures here are hosted on scrapbook, so I had to move everything to my own website and THEN replace all picture codes. That's.... a lot of work! I've done it once with JM on wordpress, but 5 years Erestor?! Huh.
But I'll find a solution. It's sad, though, how our community gets destroyed.
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