PLEASE READ THIS ENTRY It lists all the popular interests that LJ has erased from its "most popular" list - which would be
Sex, Boys, Guys, Girls, Fanfiction, Yaoi, Hardcore, Porn, Bondage, Faeries, Pain, Depression, and Bisexuality
This is not a joke. According to SUP/LJ, there are no people on LJ who are interested in sex, fanfiction, yaoi etc., all LJ users are very happy, smiley people who never had to deal with depression. Bisexuals? They don't exist. Well, according to SUP/LJ, that is.
Please, do read the entry I linked to above. Because it does concern you.
And because no such post seems to be complete without a bad macro:
My apologies to the former, very former prime minister. And just because I feel like it, I'll update "Nine Man Morris" today. Not that one can fight idiots with fanfic, but it might help me to avoid ulcers.