Beware of Max, the criminal genius!

Sep 09, 2005 23:30

Ah, doesn't he look sweet... so friendly, shy and innocent... poor, three-legged Max...

Don't be fooled, my friends.


Max the Menace has been at it again. And if there wasn't an independent witness, I'd never believe this story!

Ok. For the last three weeks, the facade of our house had been undergoing reparation and renovation. Means: scaffold all around the house, noise, amoniak wafting through the kitchen, half-nekkid builder's peeking into your bedroom in the early morning, and a lot of other nice things.

I meantioned the scaffold? It's the main reason why we can't let the cats out on the balcony at the moment. The moment they'd put a paw on the scaffold, they'd be gone, causing havoc and mayhem in the neighbourhood. So, despite the nice wheather, I have to keep the windows closed.

In comes Marc. Marc is the sculptor and painter who lives two floors up. He also does wonderful ice sculptures. Nice in summer. But I digress.

Marc told some friends a story yesterday, that had me howling. He was working in his wintergarden (his studio), and as the wheather was nice, he had all windows open and looked out into the garden.

"And then I thought - now wait, isn't this a cat? And yes, it was a cat, climbing around on the scaffold. I immediately recognized him. It was Max, you know, the three-legged one. He hopped along on the boards and I was really worried. I mean, with three legs only... anyway. The Spanish family living on the floor below me had their kitchen window open. Now believe it or not, Max hopped on the window frame and disappeared into the kitchen. Oh my god, I thought, if they catch him, he'll be in trouble! I thought about calling Erestor and Miss C., but then I wanted to see what happens, in case Max needed help.

What can I say, a minute later Max jumped out of the window, a huge steak in his mouth! It was so large he had to drag it rather than carrying it! Then he disappeared back into Erestor's flat, and honestly, I don't think the family ever noticed what had happened to their dinner!"

I have NO idea how sweet, innocent Max managed to escape from the flat. I interrogated him on this incident, but he only looked at me with big eyes, all innocence and helplessness.

I don't think we'll have to go to court. a) because the corpus delicti has already been digested, and b) because Pixie would give Max an alibi, anyway.

I live among criminals.

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