that movie meme thingy

May 06, 2005 10:46

Your wish is my command, morgana_avalon ;-)

Yes, I have more fairytales, or rather, Claudi has (we share). I love the children movies from former Tchechoslovakia (spelling?). "The Witch Hexana" is one of my favourites, or "Rumburak". And not to forget the all-time classic "PanTau". :-) Plus each and everything by the Augsburger Puppenkiste.
Kater Mikesch. Oder kennt hier jemand "Urmel aus dem Eis"? "Öch bön sö trauröch..." :-D

Now, let me see...

1) Total number of films I own on DVD/Video:
About 50, I guess, plus a couple I taped from telly.

2) The last film I bought:
"Shadow of the Vampire" (a must see for every vampirist!)

3) The last film I watched:
On telly: "About a Boy" (I have a weak spot for Hugh Grant. Yeah, yeah, I know. So sue me, Dorothy...)
Cinema: "Meet the Fockers" - hilarious!

4) Five films that I watch a lot or mean a lot to me:

1. Hellzapoppin'
Sooner or later, you will have to watch this movie. I shall not rest until you have. It should be part of everybody's education. Anarchic humour, and some of the hottest music and dance scenes ever. (Slim'n'Slam, anybody?)

2. Priscilla, Queen of the Desert
Be it on telly, cinema, open-air movies or on video - I've seen it so many times I probably know the script by heart. The movie's got it all - fantastic actors, great scenery, outstanding costumes and ABBA. And Mitzi. Oh yes. Roarrrrrrrrr. (One day, I will make myself Mitzi's flip flop outfit. I'll probably wear it for my probably never going to happen anyway wedding.)

3. The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
If we believe TORN, this is the least popular movie of the trilogy. Only 1.2% or something of the TORN readers said it was their favourite. Looking at TORN, you won't be surprised to hear that I was one of those 1.2%. Some folks tend to joke that the fact it's my favourite is due to Haldir dying, which is a blatant lie! (Did you know that he was supposed to die in Arwen's arms? Lucky bugger they changed the script!) TTT is the darkest of the trilogy, and maybe that's what appeals to me.
And ah, the heroic sacrifice of the Elves... no, seriously: if you begin thinking about immortals who face death, you try to look at eternity, which is not possible. Maybe that's what's so fascinating for me. It's also incredibly sad. I never cried during Haldir's death scene per se, but once he looks at this heap of fallen Elves... at least Orophin had the sense to stay in another part of the Hornburg... I'm sorry, I have to get a tissue.... *blows nose*.

4. Four Weddings and a Funeral
What can I say: I love British movies. I could have also listed The Full Monty here, or Billy Elliott, or A Room with a View, The Young Poisoner's Handbook, Waking Ned, The Van etc. I'm still hitting my head on the desk every time I see the American "adult" rating for Billy Elliott due to "vulgar language and homosexual content". No, no, I will not rant again.

5. A Nightmare before Christmas/Edward Scissorhands
Yes, I know, I'm cheating here, but I adoreadoreadore Tim Burton movies. And Johnny Depp. Now imagine how I adore Johnny Depp in Tim Burton movies.

5) Which five people are you passing the baton onto? and why?
Huuuuuuuuuh. Anybody out there who hasn't done this thingy yet...? If so, please come forward and yell! Miss Rat, maybe? Miss Zim? Miss Suzy? Any other Misses?


meme, movies

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