bush telephone - the saga continues

Nov 27, 2004 13:36

before we continue, a few words on the swiss government so you know who is who and what's going on.

the swiss government (executive) consists of the seven members of the "federal council". far less entertaining than elrond's council and definitely less attractive, these six gentlemen and one lady are often refered to as the "seven gnomes" by the public. they are elected by the "united federal assemblage" (verbally translated due to lack of english term) for a term of four years.

the president is elected for one year only, a so-called "primus inter pares", which means the first among equals. he does not have any special rights. he's there to lead meetings, makes sure none of the politicians draws faces on the backside of the head of his sleeping colleague in front of him, and if the queen comes for a visit, he has to turn up with his wife and look representable. usually, he makes a total fool out of himself because, like most of the swiss politicians, he never really mastered the art of speaking english.

ok. most swiss politicians never managed to learn the art of speak german, so ...

the less said about the federal council, the better. no, wait, I have to mention two representatives. one is miss micheline calmy-rey - she's the lady with the french accent you'll see on the following pages (and she's the one in charge of the department of foreign affairs). she's a socialist, just like her colleague moritz leuenberger, who's the best of the lot.

I also have to mention my very special friend christoph blocher, who's one of the two representants of the "swiss people party". beside him, george w. bush looks like a rampant communist, and if it was up to me, mr blocher would have taken his swiss passport away and kicked out of the country long ago. unfortunately, ever since the apartheid-regime in south africa fell, there is no place we could export him to where he could be among like-minded. he's one of those people who make me feel ashamed sometimes of being swiss. also makes me wish to kick all the idiots who support him. wanker. big one. big wanker with possibly small dick.

but I digress.

you will see our defense minister (another one of the swiss people party, snort) talking about swiss neutrality. that's a holy cow here. my, are we proud on our neutrality. in more than one case, however, I wouldn't call it "neutrality", though, but "fear of getting involved and losing money". but back to the story.

this is where we left off yesterday:

to be continued...


eva, cartoons

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