Jan 09, 2011 02:04
So...every so often I have these moments when I'm like "I shoudl start a blog, and just write about the random stuff that occurs in my life and muse on whatever pops into my head with varying degrees of profundity." And then I realize that this is stupid for a myriad of reasons, some of which include:
- I already have two specifically themed blogs, one about literature and one about stage management, which I don't manage to update reqularly as is.
- No one is going to want to read my random crap, and I'm too much of a wuss to post it out for people to actually find anyway.
- I'm never as funny when i write as in person. It sucks.
- Good blogs usually have themes, and my life is honestly probably not worthy of being its own theme. I don't have some facinating job or live in some unusual place that automatically makes everything I write pertinant, cohesive, and interesting to the general populus.
But then, I remember that I have this LJ. I read my flist with great regularity, even though I never remember to comment on people's posts and always feel like everyone must think that I am such a creeper because I know all this stuff about them but I never talk to them. Which is all beside the point, becasue the rteal point is that this is, in fact, my personal journal, which makes it a great place to write and brain-purge about whatever the hell I want: concepts for shows I want to direct, musings on wierd quirks of my life, frustrations with the people I know and deal with on a regular basis, why Col. Brandon is actually more awesome that Mr. Darcy, etc.
So I guess this is both a 2am stream-of-consciousness-so-I-can-sleep-'cause-it's-out-of-my-system post, and I kind of warning/apology that I'm probably going to be posting a lot more often about a lot of totally random crap that has nothing to do with anything.
((And on the creeper note...if any of you do the whole Facebook thing and would like to hook up there as real people instead of just bizarre LJ friends, I'm totally down for that, so comment or send my a message or something. I really dfo like you all, I just suck at socialization.))
stream of consciousness,
social interaction for the fail,