So, David said I should write a play about dead Shakespearian heroines for Brown Bag.
And then I remembered
snowyofthenight's Hallowe'en costume suggestion of gothic-horror style Shakespearian heroines.
So what am I doing this evening? Writing a one act about snarky dead gothic-horror style Shakespearian heroines making commentary on love, life, literature, and the bum rap they all got in their respective plays. Hopefully it will come out well.
In other news, I have just over 32k written for NaNoWriMo after typing over 3k today, mostly in the BART train. Today's number would be around 35k if I was perfectly on track. All in all, this is far better than usual for me, and I am a happy camper.
Tomorrow I have Brown Bag meeting and then am going to see Chess, because I figure I ought to support my school, even if the show is apparently not all that great. Then on Sunday I'm being the at-home person while Ace shoots the interior scenes for his film project and doing that packing that I can't do on Saturday since I'll be gone. If I'm really good, I'll also get my Music essay written and posted before Monday. And of course on Monday we drive down to Disneyland, our return planned for Friday. So, not that I've been posting a ton lately anyway, but I'll be gone with no guarantee of internet. Go me.