Eyeball sporking to follow...

Aug 24, 2007 10:45

Okay, I apologize for the pissy post yesterday. I was caught between class and auditions and I was spazzing out. I'm doing much better today.

So, last year duiring tech week for The Imaginary Invalid I developed an eye infection in my left eye. It was mildly swollen and hurt like heck all opening weekend, then the antibiotics or whatever cleared it up. However,m since then I've had a tiny lump in my left eyelid. never thought much of it, since it didn't affect my vision in any way. However, now that eye seems to be swelling up identically to how it did last year. I sense a trip to the doctor. Argh.

We ended up having a pretty good turn out for Diviners auditions, about 30 (for a cast of 11). We're having a couple more people audition tonight, then we're doing most of the callbacks. We have a second round set for next Wednesday, since there's a couple of people who can't make it tonight. I think I have a pretty good idea how the casting is going to go, but since we still don't really have people for a couple of parts, it could be interesting.

I did get a little boost last night talking to Ken about the Musical Theater class, when he said he thinks he likes what I've been doing as far as kind of dancing but not really, since I'm still supposed to be upset in the portion we've staged. We're going to have to figure out how to make the rest of the number work for my character, but we're thinking we can play it a little more like the movie vs. the play.

And now, I go to pretend to do work!

diviners, ego boost, health

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