Whoa, I know Kung-Fu.

Jan 05, 2005 21:04

Yeah, so this is my first entry into this particular live journal. I have another account but it was probably deleted or something insane like that. Nothing too interesting happened today. Spanish was spanish... we went over commands in the usted/ustedes form, which is quite easy. Physics was a bit odd... The instructor gave us these worksheets that involved converting mm/m to cm, reading and following instructions CORRECTLY, and being able to draw straight lines. The worksheet was labeled "Lincoln's Log" and that is exactly what mine turned out to be, a house.

The girl next to me ended up with... well whatever it was it wasn't a house. Hmm, proof that girls cannot follow directions?

After Physics came English IV. This is a standard class, meaning it is not an honors class (which doesnt exist) or an AP/DE class. I have not taken a standard english class since I was in 2nd grade. Our teacher is crazy (in a good way) and likes to give us answers to vocab and such, making it one of my easier classes this semester.

Then comes CALCULUS!!! We are learning about derivatives and antiderivatives of natural logs (the "ln" button on the TI-83). I think I understand a good bit of it as it really isnt that hard. Thankfully my antiderivative program on my TI-83 works with natural logs, but only with antiderivatives that are defined by a closed domain (from 0 to 3 and so on). I love math, cant you tell?

Mighty interesting, eh?

Gushy stuff?

Ok, so I like his girl. Most of my friends know who this girl is, in fact I would not be suprised if the girl herself knew about my liking her. This girl is beautiful, has a great personality, and is a great Christian (from what I can tell). The problem is that I have no idea if she is interested in me. Maybe she is, and maybe I should just be straightforward. Ehh, whatever I do, though, I am going to give it up to God. I have been praying about this for quite some time now and nothing has happened to really discourage me from pursuing a relationship with said girl. Meh, right now I don't know what to do. God has control, so if he wants a relationship to form then it will happen, and if he says "no" then I'll just have to stuck it up and move on!

And now I am off to sleep!!! Goodnight who ever reads this... probably no one, but whatever =].
God bless! Let God take control of your life!
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