So I know people did this ages ago but please do one for me.. you know you're procrastinating anywayyyyyy.. pleeeaseeeee?
pretty please? love!! whee
oh, and: Sam.
Once you've been tagged, you have to write a blog with 8 facts/things/habits about yourself, saying who tagged you. In the end you need to choose the 6 people to be tagged and list their names. No tag backs."
1. I cannot be productive until it's very late at night and I start to freak out.
2. I have not gone to the gym at ALL this semester.. sometimes I feel really bad.. but sometimes I DON'T!
3. In the winter I often do not wash my hair for 5+ days. (eew even tho you prob all know that HA)
4. I think I look freaky without mascara.
5. The only time I'm honestly not embarrassed by male attention is when I'm drunk. And sometimes even then.
6. I'm DREADING work this summer. I HATE work. Especially in an office. But if I don't, I will be poor.
7. I'm pretty seriously contemplating taking "twins" (2 littles) in the fall if it's possible.
8. I complain about rush, and even though I have to be here so early and that does kinda suck, I'm actually really excited.
I tag:
Steph (she prob wont do it bc shes never here but STILL!)
Jacquie (autre)