May 30, 2011 20:44
I've been doing fewer vegan food reviews lately because:
1.) Last week the motherboard on my laptop died and my laptop is Totally Dead. I spent about a day this weekend trying to do an emergency rescue, but it's no good.
2.) It's hard to write these on my cellphone, as the wifi on the commuter rail is sketchy at best.
3.) I've got a two hour commute at least two days a week that has me leaving the house at 7:45 am and not getting back until 8 or 9 at night.
4.) Did you know that I don't sweat, even when the temps in my apartment reach over 90? I didn't either, but I've been trying to do research to figure out why.
However, this doesn't mean I haven't been cooking. This week, I did vegan chocolate mousse, a Big Vat of Hummus, my Famous Chocolate Almond Raisin Banana Bread to bring for my coworkers tomorrow, and my newest bento for tomorrow's lunch features the Tahini-Miso dressing from the Veganomicon (with added pepper, salt, lemon juice, and some minced garlic).
So, this is a review of Trader Joe's Tahini Sauce. It's new in the Trader Joe's stores in MA. I thought they had Tahini Paste previously, but I guess not.
Mostly, I find straight-up Tahini Paste to be really strong. I like sesame, but sometimes the paste is just too much of a good thing. That's why I like Trader Joe's tahini sauce. It's light, delicate, and almost whipped; less a "paste" than a "sauce," like the tin says. It says, "sesame." It does not say, "SESAME the consistency of PEANUT BUTTER!" You get a little 8-oz tub, which if you're me about 2/3rds of it goes into about 3 cups' worth of finished hummus, and there's about 1/4 c left over.
Note: It does not *say* it's vegan, but the ingredients are: tahini (sesame seed sauce), lemon juice, citric acid, water, garlic, and salt, so if it's not I'd be surprised.
I think it's the lemon and garlic that really cut and complement the flavor of the sesame, for me. This is by far my #1 tahini only if I can get TJ's to carry it year-round instead of just stocking it as some kind of summer thing.