
Oct 14, 2009 12:53

So for the past week I've been having this annoying ant infestation in my apartment.  Only annoying though.  Not gross.  Cockroaches rats are gross, but ants are just tiny and annoying.  I first noticed them when they started scampering across my counters.  I also had them in my pantry.  This annoyed me because this is where I prepare and cook my food.  I took it as nature's subtle way of telling me that I'm a good cook, but a shitty cleaner:P

So I found that one of my bags of brown sugar had a hole in it, and while I can most certainly empathize with the ants' taste for sweets I trashed the sugar and now the pantry is ant free.  I also cleaned the counters thoroughly, and now the only ants I have are near the sink scavenging water.  At least I assume they're scavenging water.  There's no food in my sink.  So fast forward a couple of days to today, and I still have my ant problem.  They're only on the floor now, and they're forming a line from my kitchen all the way through my bathroom.  I know they're coming from some crack somewhere in the bathroom.

Now I regularly sweep my floors, but these little guys just keep finding little crumbs of food that keep them coming back for more.  I've also noticed that they're also dragging little silverfish carcasses back to where ever home is.

So here's the dilemma:  As long as they aren't in my food that I'm eating or on my counters where I cook and eat said food, I don't really care that they're there.  Call me a gross hippie or whatever, I just don't really care.  Hell, they're even killing silverfish and cleaning up the crumbs that my sweeping misses.  I'm also hoping that an anty presence will ward off cockroaches.  That would be AWESOME!!!  But on the other side, I don't really want to have guests over seeing my ants.  I especially don't want to follow up any invitation to my place with, "Oh, and watch for the trail of ants in the kitchen.  Don't step on them."

So what to do?  They're not hurting me.  In fact they're killing and taking away bad things that I don't like.  They're not even that noticeable until I point them out.  It's not like I have an army of Siafu rampaging through my house that consumes every living thing in its path, preventing me from having guests for fear of them being eaten alive.  I just don't want people to think I'm gross and live in a sty, which I totally do not.  Aside from a pile of clean laundry on the couch my place looks quite nice.  Maybe I'll just start telling people who notice them that I'm a Buddhist, and if they don't like it they can just suck my enlightened balls.
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