questions from fairoriana

Mar 23, 2007 09:06

fairoriana is good with the questions!

1) What aspect of your character do you most work on? (Eg. you're trying not to lose your temper, etc.)

Being judgmental. I have a real problem with that and
I don't like that about myself.

2) If you were doing a triathalon (running, swimming & biking) which would be the hardest leg for you to do?

Running, absolutely. I detest running. I enjoy biking and I love swimming. I was on the swim team in high school and I was a pretty good swimmer. These days I imagine it would be a lot harder, as I've not swum in a while, and certainly not competitively, but it would be easier than running. And biking is just fun!

3) What's your favorite "thing" Bob is doing these days? Edgar? What do you miss about Bob that she's grown out of?

She's learning to read and it's so much fun watching her figure out a word and get so excited about it.

I love how Edgar is getting more interactive. She's babbling all the time now. Even when she gets upset, she babbles as she fusses and it's just the cutest thing.

I miss how Bob used to pronounce certain letters before she could say them properly.
She used to say L as D or Y and it was really cute. There were a few words that she used to mispronounce or say a similar word but now she says them all correctly and I really miss certain mispronunciations. When she wanted me to sit next to her, she'd say "Mama sit a you" or "Mama next to you." The way she said her name was adorable. d's for l's. When she wanted to be picked up, she'd say "Mommyup!"

4) What qualities most attract you to llnaughty?
His gentleness and sweetness. And his cute butt. And dimples.

5) If you were given the option to do something really cool -- like go on a fact-finding expedition in Borneo or something for two months, all expenses paid -- but you couldn't take your family with you, would you go? What would that "really cool" thing have to be?

I wouldn't leave them for two months right now no matter how cool something was. Edgar is too young and still nursing, and even for Bob, it would be too hard. If they were older, like 7 and 12, then I'd go, but it would have to be something REALLY cool like following humpbacks on their migration and interacting with them, or going to the space station or the moon. I really have no need or desire to be away from my family, even for a short amount of time. When llnaughty and Bob went to New England last summer for nine days, it nearly killed me. Though I did have a VERY clean house... ;)

If anyone still wants to be interviewed, post a comment.


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