
Apr 22, 2004 17:32

full name: marissa lynch
nicknames: riss, mariss, m, iss, issa
sex: female
age: eighteen
birthday: january 2nd, 1986
birthplace: good Samaritan hospital, islip (i think)
current residence: lindenhurst, ny
parents names: katherine + tim
sibling's names and ages: tyler, 10 + brooke, 5
pets: oreo (black + white cat), taz (yellow lab), rabbit (fish)

love life
do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: mhmm
do you have a crush?: no, bd <3
would you rather be single or taken right now?: i'm taken
how many people have you dated this past year?: one
how many people have you kissed in your life?: more than enough.
how many people have you said "I love you too" and meant it?: one.
have you ever had a hard time getting over someone?: yup...
are you friends with your ex/exes?: some
have you ever cheated on someone?: yeah :(
have you ever been cheated on?: yeah again :(
what do you look for in your ideal mate?: someone who is intelligent and can carry on a conversation, funny, understanding, someone who listens, someone who is open and truthful and trusting, someone who likes staying home more often than not... 
biggest Turn-ons: eyes, lips, nice hair, none or very little body hair...
turn-offs: too much body hair, fat, someone who is obnoxious and loud and stupid.
best quote to sum up love: yeah, i'm at a loss...

morals + beliefs
what religion are you?: technically, catholic, but self proclaimed atheist.
what do you think happens when you die:? you either go six feet under ground, or to a large inferno... or even possibly a freezer?
do you believe in god?: no
satan?: nope
angels?: no
heaven?: no
hell?: no
are you a virgin?: no
what do you think of abortion?: personally i think it's wrong, but to each their own...
war?: i don't like it, but sometimes needed.
pop music?: some, but what the fuck does that have to do with my morals and beliefs? lol

what did you do...
last weekend?: friday, nothing; saturday, sat at tahallies i think? don't really remember; sunday, hung out with bill
yesterday?: cut school, smoked with bill, nap, hung out with bill more, smoked more, watched the oc, smoked more, watched more tv, went to bed with bill... and throw some eating in there like 23 times and those were the high points of my day.
your last birthday?: i did something with bill, but i can't remember what.. i'm so forgetfull! 
new years eve?: came back from florida, went to sam's house where she had a shin dig, got drunk, got sick, went home.
valentines day?: hungout with bill
easter?: smoked with bobby, danielle, and bill, went to bills grandparents, then me and bill came back to my house.
fourth of july?: absolutely no idea.
halloween?: umm i think we went to scotts house, and everyone was drunk, and me and bill just went home? i don't really remember though lol.
thanksgiving?: ate... a lot...
christmas eve?: fought with bill after he drank two bottles of wine with his grandfather
christmas day?: went to my aunts

what do you think you'll be doing in...
a week from now?: same thing i'm doing today
a month from now?: same thing i'm doing today
a year from now?: hopefully college.
5 years from now?: interior design
10 years from now?: being an interior designer, married to bill.
20 years from now?: maybe i'll have kids by then, still doing interior design and who knows what else. 
50 years from now?:old and decrepit

nicest: everyone is nice usually, except justin lol.
bitchiest: everyone lol
hottest: billy
best eyes: sam and i don't know who else
best hair: i'm not sure actually
cutest: i don't know?
biggest tease: jordan
rudest: jordan
loudest: me, but no on purpose. jordan and danielle on purpose
smartest: julian, justin, me, but all in different ways...
tallest: neal or julian
shortest: sam and scott
most likely to become a model?: jordan
weirdest?: all of my friends are weird
most likely to be married first?: me or sam
most likely to become a serial killer?: me lol
most caring?: sam
most independent?: billy
most dependent?: jordan on the girls, danielle + me on bf
most trustworthy?: sam + billy
best body?: i don't really know...
funniest?: actually now that i think about it, everyone is pretty funny, except sam, but she has her moments...
most like you?: i think me and justin are alike in many ways, and me, danielle, jordan, and sam are all kind of alike being we're always with each other...
most fun to be with?: everyone

what are you wearing?: stolen jeans from wet seal, stolen purple tank top from ae, pink zip up off the shoulder shirt from hollister, black converse, white studded belt, dangly star earrings, big pearl necklace, and a chain on my jeans.
who are you talking to?: no one.
how is the weather?: really nice out
what are you listening to?: the tv
what/who are you thinking about?: no one really
what are you eating/drinking?: suprisingly enough, nothing at the moment.
what are you looking forward to?: nothing really since i can't go to prom, but i guess that weekend?
what are you dreading?: having to go to school tomorrow.
how are you feeling?: dirty, and my right shoulder hurts really bad from the way i'm sitting...
how is your hair?: half up, half down
what time is it?: 4:25pm
what are you annoyed by?: everything involving prom and school...

what emotion do you feel the most?: love + sadness
what emotion is the best?: love
worst?: depression
what songs make you cry?: incubus "i miss you", dc "screaming infidelities" + many others, a lot more...
what movies make you cry?: i cry during just about every movie at some point lol
what always cheers you up?: billy, food, and marijuana lol
what makes you angrier than anything?: bill usually, but also my family, and friend drama makes my want to stab myself.
what hurts you the most?: being mad at myself for everything, thinking about bad things that happened in the past, um a lot of other stuff
which person always makes you happy?: bd
depressed?: yeah, but i can't help it
are you a really emotional person?: definitely
what do you do when you're depressed?: sit, sleep, watch tv, eat, cry...
what song do you think was written about your life?: i don't really know of one specific song right now...

when was the last time you..
burped?: like three hours ago
kissed?: three hours ago
went to the movies?: um starsky + hutch like a month ago
went out to eat?: yesterday
cried?: yesterday probably? lol
threw up?: friday, stupid sickness :/
peed?: when i got home from school at like 12:30
went for a walk?: i don't know
ate ice cream?: today

getting personal
ever given a blow job?: yup
hand job?: yes
favorite sex position?: doggy style...
kinkiest thing you've done?: umm, i don't know, i've done so much weird stuff lol.
any fetishes?: yes
weird turn-ons?: yes haha, i like having my hair pulled, and being smacked :x

what song reminds you of...
your childhood?: rod stewart "forever young" + "american pie"
your significant other?: billy joel "she's got a way", hoobastank "the reason", and many others remind me of him
your crush?: -
your ex?: alicia keys "fallin'"
your best friend?: usher "yeah"

do you do drugs?: occasionally.
do you have a mental disability?: if you consider adhd that, then sure. i might as well have down syndrome though...
are you on any medication for any type of disorder?: no
do you or have you ever had an eating disorder?: nowhat kinds of illnesses run in your family?: good question

who was the last person you...
talked to?: sam
yelled at?: billy in person, danielle online
kissed?: bill
hugged?: bill
went out to eat with?: bill
flirted with?: bill
talked to on the phone?: sam
imed?: sam
e-mail?: i don't know
danced with?:
fought with?: bill in person, danielle online
worried about?: bill
wanted to kill?: danielle
cried over?: bill
thought about?: bill... notice a trend?

are you...
understanding?: yes
nice?: i really am, but no one believes me :( lol i'm just sarcastic...
a bitch?: yes
hard to get?: not really.
confident?: in some ways
depressed?: yeah
hyper?: occasionally
popular?: don't know, don't care
friendly?: sure
sexy?: i don't think so..
hungry?: always
shy?: sometimes
emotional?: yes
messy?: um it depends lol. i'm organized, but overall, in every aspect of life, i'm messy lol
arrogant?: i don't think so
immature?: not usually
sad?: yeah
trusting?: too much so
healthy?: not at all
sleepy?: yeah
lonely?: sometimes
independent?: eh
romantic?: yes
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