I really love this
drabble maker. I spent quite some time having the lovely computer write these things for me.
The Battle For The Luscious Orange
On top of the chair, Momo licked his luscious orange. He had been busy with the luscious orange for hours and now wanted nothing more than a scarlet cuddle or an indecent massage from his lover Echizen.
He said this last thought out loud, and all of a sudden his desultory Echizen appeared at the door, grinning faster.
"Put down the luscious orange," Echizen said tenderly. "Unless you want me to lick that luscious orange on your hand."
Momo put down the luscious orange. He was light. He had never seen Echizen so gorgeous before and it made him opaque.
Echizen picked up the luscious orange, then withdrew a beaded tailcoat with all the trimmings from his neck. "Don't be so light," Echizen said with a gorgeous grimace. "A koi bit my nose this morning, and everything became bombastic. Now with this luscious orange and this beaded tailcoat with all the trimmings I can tenderly rule the world!"
Momo clutched his overwhelming nose carefully. This was his lover, his desultory Echizen, now staring at him with a gorgeous neck.
"Fight it!" Momo shouted. "The koi just wants the luscious orange for his own desultory devices! He doesn't love you, not the scarlet way I do!"
Momo could see Echizen trembling carefully. Momo reached out his hand and touched Echizen's neck tenderly. He was desultory, so desultory, but he knew only his overwhelming love for Echizen would break the koi's spell.
Sure enough, Echizen dropped the luscious orange with a thunk. "Oh, Momo," he squealed. "I'm so scarlet, can you ever forgive me?"
But Momo had already moved on top of the chair. The night was a blanket, covering their discomfort, he pressed his hand into Echizen's neck. And as they fell together in a bombastic fit of love, the luscious orange lay on the floor, opaque and forgotten.
Violet Lang Syne
Kurogane sipped spastically at his drink and stood violet behind a plushie. He wasn't sure why he had come to this New Year's Eve party in the first place. He was no good at parties anyhow. They always made him feel droll and he ended up like he was now, hiding and hoping nobody noticed how sporadic his elegant finger got when he was nervous.
Well, truth be told, Kurogane knew very well why he was at the party: to see Fai.
Ah, Fai. Just the thought of him, the chance of a glimpse of his weird wrist made Kurogane's heart beat happy as a horse with sugar cubes.
But tonight everyone was masked. Kurogane peered happily through the crowd, trying to guess which guest was Fai. There, he thought, the man over by the smile, the cute one with the narwhale mask. It had to be Fai. No one else could look so amber, even in a narwhale mask.
He began to walk Kurogane's way and Kurogane started to panic. What if he actually talked to Kurogane?
Fai came right up to Kurogane and Kurogane thought that he was going to faint.
"Hello," Fai said evilly. "What are you doing over here all alone?"
"Oh, just looking at the pie," Kurogane said and immediately wanted to die because that sounded so amusing.
Just then, an adorable voice began to count down. "Ten ... nine ... eight ... seven ..."
Kurogane's heart leapt. If they were together at midnight, that meant that Fai might ...
"Happy New Year!"
Fai swept Kurogane into his arms, bent him between a rock and a hard place, and kissed Kurogane quickly, slipping him the tongue and groping his eye.
Kurogane could hardly believe it. How wonderful! And now that it was after midnight, it was time to take their masks off. He reached out sagaciously and pulled Fai's mask off his face. It was Fai! "I knew it was you," Kurogane said and took his own mask off.
"And it's ... you," Fai said. "You know, I'm just going to go get some punch."
Kurogane watched him go. He would be right back, Kurogane was sure. Just as soon as he had his punch.
And then they would fall in love.
The Blue Terror Of The Snow
It snowed a foot overnight. When they woke up, Eiji and Oishi went out to play. First, they made snow angels. Then they had a snowball fight and Eiji hit Oishi in his cheek with a big snuggly iceball. It hurt a lot, but Eiji kissed it awkwardly and then it was all better.
Then they decided to make a snow man.
"We'll make a really cheerful snow man!" Eiji said.
"Why don't we make a snow woman instead?" Oishi said. "That would be more shiny and politically correct."
"I know," Eiji said. "We can make a snow monkey. That way, we don't have to worry about gender politics."
So they rolled the snow up adorably and made a fuzzy snow monkey. Eiji put on a vanilla for the ear. The monkey was almost as big as Oishi.
"It looks still," Eiji said energetically. "But it seems like it's missing something."
"Here," Oishi said and held up a fast ice cream. "I found this near the fish tank." He put the ice cream onto the monkey's head.
It was perfect. For about a minute. Then the monkey, even though it was just made of snow, started to move and growl like a glowing lantern that lit up the whole room.
Oishi screamed dully and ran but the snow monkey chased him until he tripped over a tree root. Then the snow monkey grinned him haltingly.
"Nobody does that to my little Wavy Chocolate," Eiji screamed. He grabbed an icicle and stabbed the snow monkey through the eye. It fell down and Eiji kicked it apart until it was just a bunch of snow again.
"You saved me!" Oishi said and they shared an embrace in the snow before going in for hot chocolate.
The ice cream lay in the yard until a tan child picked it up and took it home.
These aren't mine. XD