D18 Drabbles.

Jan 02, 2009 13:15

Because I adore D18 to bits and pieces and I felt like writing something kinda fluffy.

Fandom: Katekyo Hitman Reborn
Name: Existence
Summary: Dino asks a few questions and Hibari retaliates.
Warnings: GAY. XD

"Dino. Dino." sang Hibird as he swooped down onto Hibari's shoulder.
Hibari scowls, but it's not Hibird's fault that the name he had chosen to sing was that of an idiot's.
Dino beams. "See Kyouya! Your bird likes me!" He said, sprawled on back, and looking up at Hibari. Hibari makes a motion with his arm, similar to the way he'd handle his tonfas, but Dino only laughs. It's a warm day and they're sitting in the park. Dino had coerced him into coming to the park because he was only in town for a few days and he wanted to see Hibari. Hibari only went because he was extremely bored and Dino always provided entertainment one way or another.
"Kyouya. Do you ever wonder about our existence? Like why we're here on earth? You know?"
Hibari scowled again. He was ruining the day by asking stupid questions, as usual. "Don't you have anything better to think about?"
"Haha. Well, sometimes I like to wonder. That's all." And they fell silent again.
The breeze blew and some dandelion seeds were uprooted from their parents. Hibird chirped and flew up to chase them around. It was so peaceful, so far removed from his daily work for the Vongola. It felt surreal.
Dino spoke again. "But you know. I don't think we're meant to know these things. It's just the way of the world, to be mysterious and keep things like that from us."
Hibari felt a little irritated that Dino was still talking about it. "Then why are you asking these questions?" He said, not meaning for it to be answered, only to show his irritation.
"I think it'd be nice to know. But for whatever reason, I'm glad you're here."
Leave it to the idiot to say something so stupid. He looked away for a moment, too overwhelmed. "Shut up. I'm trying to enjoy some quiet for once." It sounded weak, even as he said it.
Dino smiled and turned to look back up at the sky. "It's okay Kyouya. I love you too."

There was some weird frustrated noise and Hibari slashed his tonfa at the other's face only to have it blocked. Dino was chuckling, way too happy about being attacked. He pushed away the tonfa gently and kissed Hibari lightly on the mouth.
Hibari growled and raised his other hand and once again they were fighting. A familiar dance of bodies.
The sun shone down and warmed the ground and Hibird chirped. "Dino. Dino."


Fandom: Katekyo Hitman Reborn
Name: Existence
Summary: Dino's hands were warm and so solid.
Warnings: Slight mentions of dead bodies.
Pairing: D18

The blood dripped down his arm as he walked. His head was feeling slightly odd and there was a weightlessness to him as he walked. Next to him, Dino Cavallone looked at him in concern. He purposely ignored the look and kept on walking. His mind flashed to the scene they had left behind, the bodies of weak herbivores strewn everywhere. The red stained marble stairs. He doesn't mind killing them because some people deserved to die, really. But his head was still feeling odd and his arm wasn't getting any better. His whole body was probably covered in bruises and scratches, which annoyed him. Then again the odds were hardly fair.
An army of bodyguards and family members against the two of them. Hibari recalls with alarming clarity how Dino's amber colored eyes had shown a glimpse, just a glimpse of panic. There had been a man standing right behind, but he was too distracted to realise it and Dino did. Almost too late, but he survived with a gash to his arm. Sometimes he hated this whole fighting thing, because after a while, one realises that life is just an illusion. A cheap trick that lasts all of five seconds before it flickers out. It was too fleeting, too temporal. He grimaced as they crossed the small street. He was thankful that his suit jacket was black and made it impossible to see any blood unless someone already knew where it was beforehand. Dino caught the look and reached down to grab Hibari's hand as they headed towards the meeting point. Hibari didn't want to take the hand, except he had no choice and Dino's hands were warm, and so solid. It was a refreshing contrast to the anonymous bodies which they had fought and without thinking, Hibari squeezes it gently. Dino smiles and they continue walking.

Hibari would pretend the matter never happened later, but for now he pretends that life is solid and lasting like the hand which grasped his.

Comment? Critique? ♥

♥ the fanficcers love meme, continued

fic, khr, drabble

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