GIFT for Nerrin

Jan 02, 2009 12:19

♥ the fanficcers love meme, continued

Fandom: Hetalia
Name: The Psychological Subtleties of Theresa Teng's 月亮代表我得心.
Pairing: Korea/China-->sort of
Warnings: CRACK. WTF WTF WTF WTF IS GOING ON??? Wanna-be Psychological Realism. BLATANT stealing of Kafka's A Country Doctor.
I have no idea how to write these two.

The moon was in a crescent shape tonight as he strolled through the town. It was cold and there were very few people out, but China wanted to walk tonight. He enjoyed the cold weather, unlike everyone else. It was very peaceful and calm and he sighed contentedly, thinking of his favourite poem by 李白. Suddenly he heard the sound of hooves pounding on the ground. He blinked as Korea dashed by riding a horse. He looked oddly handsome as he passed by, hair flying.
"Wait! Korea!" He found himself yelling without knowing why.
Korea stopped his horse and trotted back, he had on a western style coat and a huge black leather bag.
"Hi Aniki. I can't really stop now because I've got to go rescue a girl from a terrible sickness!" He said. "But do you want to come along?"
"Not really..."but China found himself dragged up over the horse anyway.
"Come on! This is urgent!" Korea said, and this was extremely weird because Korea was never serious about anything.
They took the road out of town on the horse and then they were suddenly coming into view of a picturesque house that was definitely not from the East.
"Why is that house like that?" China pointed out. Korea only shrugged, and China couldn't help but stare at the way the moonlight dappled his raven black hair. It gave Korea an ethereal glow, the skin pearly and luminescent. China wanted to kiss it.
They dismounted the horse and went into the house, which was unlocked. It was dark and eerily quiet, except Korea seemed to know where to go. They climbed up the stairs and went into a bright room. There was a crowd of people gathered around a bed where a girl lay.
"Doctor. Please help her!" A woman cried out, there were fresh tear tracks on her face. He supposed they were talking to Korea.
"It's okay. I'm here to help her." He said calmly and walked over to the bed. He took out some medical tools out of the black bag and gave her a routine checkup. But it seemed that nothing was amiss. "There's nothing wrong with her." He said to the family.
The woman spoke again, "Elise, please try to say something."
And the girl on the bed opened her mouth to speak except a melody came from it, a strangely familiar melody. "THERESA TENG'S 月亮代表我得心!" China exclaimed.
Everyone stared at him and he dropped his head. That wasn't the reaction he had wanted.
The woman spoke again, "You see Doctor. She's been like this for three days and she can't stop. She can speak, but it's song-speak. She sings everything in that tune too."
Korea nodded. "Well now I know what we need to do to fix her. There is a very easy solution."
"Before we can do anything, doctor. " the woman said, "you need to take off your clothes, as the custom is."
"Oh yes. That's right. I forgot!" He said and then began shedding the many layers he was wearing.
"WHAT?" China yelled but this time, no one paid him any mind. This was so messed up on so many different levels, yet a little voice inside of him squealed at seeing Korea naked.

Korea handed his clothes to the woman and all the people began filing out of the room. Apparently this was normal too. China just stared at Korea, he couldn't look away and the sick girl's mouth opened again, soft strains of 月亮代表我得心 playing in the background.
"Aru..."China stuttered. "Can you help her?" He pointed to the girl.
"Nope." Korea said casually.
"So you lied to them?! We're going to be in trouble for this!"
"Come on aniki. Let's leave before they find out." Korea said and flippantly threw himself out the window.
"KOREA! WAIT! ARE YOU ALIVE?" China screamed. The song got louder. He ran over to the window ledge and looked down upon the ground which was only three feet from the ledge. But they climbed a flight of stairs to get to this room!
"Come on aniki! We need to leave!" Korea said, waving from his horse. He was still naked.
"Ah...ah...aru. THIS IS SO WEIRD!"
"Aniki. Do you need me to carry you? You look faint." Korea said. Of course China would've loved to been carried except all he wanted to do was cry and scream and drink a nice cup of tea.
The song in the background became even louder, his head was pounding, Korea was still too naked for his sanity--"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!"

China woke up with a scream and quickly looked around his room. His room. Thank goodness. There was no sign of a naked Korea or some weird girl in sight. There was however, a radio, playing Theresa Teng's song. He sighed in relief and began to pull on some day clothes. Just then the door burst open to reveal Korea. NAKED.
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" China yelled and flung himself out of the 2nd story window. He ended up with a broken leg and Korea had to take him to the hospital. Thankfully with clothes on.

And from then on, China vowed never to listen to Theresa Teng's 月亮代表我得心 again.


BTW the song is here

fic, hetalia, requests, crack!

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