I hath been tagged by
1. Post about something that made you happy today even if it's just a small thing and even if it's just a one-line post.
2. Do this everyday for a week without fail.
3. Tag 8 of your friends to do the same.
DAY 1: Wrapping Christmas gifts made me incredibly happy. Also, playing Prince of Persia for three straight hours. Wait, am I allowed to say two happy things in one day?
Speaking of vidgames,
CLAUDIA BLACK IS GOING TO BE IN UNCHARTED 2. Well, you know, her voice will. But oh my gosh, does anyone understand how much I love her voice? This almost makes up for the fact that Elena will not be in the game - at least, Naughty Dog's staying silent on if she or Sully will make an appearance at all, and that makes me less than happy. The primary reason I was looking forward to an Uncharted sequel was to spend more time with this particular trio. Ah well. It still looks fabulous.