1. Why are we still friends? 2. What is one thing you've always wanted to try but are too scared to? 3. Which would you rather be--blind or deaf? Why? 4. What would it take to get you to walk out of a movie? 5. What is your biggest regret? (6. What is your biggest accomplishment?)
I am so in love with your response to #1, and it's precisely why I asked you because I knew you'd give it that much thought and care. And same with #2, really -
Stealing past the watchful dragons. I think that's why I'm a sci-fi fan at heart. The more bizarre the context, the sharper the contrast with the familiar - and therefore, the clearer it's seen.
Comments 7
Interview me please! Cos I know you'll ask cool questions.
Questions for the Torak!
1. What instrument do you not currently play that you'd like to learn?
2. Ever walked out of a movie before? Which one(s), and why?
3. When was the angriest you've ever gotten in recent memory? What sparked it?
4. In your opinion, who's the best villain of all time? Movie, book, TV - doesn't matter.
5. What one riff from any song do you wish to high heaven you could play (on any instrument)?
2. What is one thing you've always wanted to try but are too scared to?
3. Which would you rather be--blind or deaf? Why?
4. What would it take to get you to walk out of a movie?
5. What is your biggest regret?
(6. What is your biggest accomplishment?)
Interview me too :)
1. What one book are you dying to see made into a (good) movie?
2. What thing that depresses most people usually has the opposite effect on you?
3. What about California perplexes you the most (besides our ridiculous prices and scary freeway systems)?
4. What one thing does everyone praise that you fail to see the excitement over?
5. Best dessert you've ever had? Where and when. (I'm craving something right now, can you tell?) ;P
Stealing past the watchful dragons. I think that's why I'm a sci-fi fan at heart. The more bizarre the context, the sharper the contrast with the familiar - and therefore, the clearer it's seen.
Just brilliant. Thanks for being so game. :)
Wanna toss questions my way?
And for you:
1. Which would you rather be privy to: the end of the world or the beginning of it?
2. What film (if any) did you like better than the book it was based on?
3. Who did you idolize as a child?
4. What was the very first novel/"chapter book" you ever read?
5. Of the two worst ways to be immortal - would you rather be a vampire or a werewolf, and why?
(The comment has been removed)
1. If you could build your own virtual reality, what would it consist of?
2. If you had the opportunity to strangle any one person without repercussions, who would it be?
3. What's the first food you would eat if you suddenly weren't gluten intolerant anymore?
4. Dumbest thing you've heard somebody say recently?
5. What's one song you wish you had written?
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