Hello April 10th.

Apr 10, 2006 20:30

So, I find it rather sad that, in the course of March's 31 days, I managed a pitiful 9 entries. And this is my first shot at April, 10 days in... how lame am I?

It's all CUI's fault. It's been a marathon month. I have never had this much trouble breathing with college work - I usually manage to find spare time so well, but... gah. 19 units? Who was I kidding? Pride certainly goeth before this fall. "Oh yeah, I can handle it - I'll get all my general ed done second year!" Right.

At least I'll have nothing but writing, lit, and theology classes from here on out - that I can handle. I think. You know, I'm just going to stop making ultimatums right about now.

It's slightly intimidating to process that my college life is halfway over. *chokes* I look back at when I first moved in and how overwhelmed I felt with the prospect of spending the next four years of my life here... and the reality is, they're getting away from me so fast it's dizzying.

Someday soon I'm sure you'll be assaulted with an uberlong reflective post waxing on how I've changed and life's changed (both for the better) and I'm feeling all transitional and surreal and oh, what does the future(tm) hold? etc... [Aragorn]but it is not this day![/Aragorn]

In other news, everyone needs Dredg's Catch Without Arms, and they need it now. If you're into buying tracks, you specifically need "Ode to the Sun", "Bug Eyes" and "Sang Real". Beauty.

Oh yeah, can't believe it's taken me this long to mention that I've been watching the first season of Angel with my dorm-neighbor Brenda these past couple of months (yes, it's taken us that long), without ever having seen a complete episode of Buffy in my life. (She, on the other hand, is an aficionado.) What do I think? Well, I'll let you know after we finish this last disc, but I have a feeling the second season's going to go much more quickly.

And nope, still haven't gotten around to either BSG or Gattaca. Again I repeat: how lame am I? *points to CUI*

Easter Break starts Wednesday, though. I'll be home in less than 48 hours. That makes it sound so easy...

angel, music, rl, random

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