Spring 2006, hear me roar!

Nov 09, 2005 00:28

Registered! Bwah. 19 units. Ouch. This is gonna be a hurtin' semester.

It goes... Film as Literature (yay!), Physical Science (boo!), History/Literature of the Old Testament (yay), Public Speaking (BOO), Christian Doctrine II (yay), and Advanced Creative Writing (YAY).

Yes, this means I've committed to minoring in Theology, after all. (Major is Humanities and Fine Arts / Emphasis Writing.) I think it was inevitable. I cannot resist the pull of one of my favorite ramble-subjects... even though I have no earthly idea how I'll put it to use.

Oh well. The cool thing is this major/minor mess now covers all my interests... so whatever career path sorts itself out of this pretty pile, odds are I won't have (too many) issues with it.

Who knows. Still got two years to work through. Plenty has yet to hit the fan.


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