One Year!

Dec 25, 2007 23:10


Our Christmas baby has come full circle.

He is expressing his opinions more, in almost a “terrible twos” manner. He is clear about foods and activities and people that he likes or doesn't like, and he has less tolerance than in the past. Now that he understands more about the world around him and is better at communicating, he is starting to make decisions and shape his environment in a more sophisticated manner than just yelling when something is wrong.

His communication skills are developing. He shakes his head “no.” He waves. He understands some questions and commands: “Do you want to take a bath?”, “Take that to daddy”, etc.

He wants to have control over feeding himself. He rejects food that we feed him, but if we put it in front of him and let him manipulate it, he eats it happily. He is starting to take control of his destiny, and though it’s a bit messy, we support him.

He has made the transition from mostly crawling to mostly walking. He handles shoes with little difficulty - sometimes he even gets them and gives them to me so I can put them on him.

He doesn't want to stay in his stroller anymore, now that he can explore on foot. Sigh. Shopping just got harder.

He has taken to clouting people on the face. When he is holding a large Lego, this is particularly painful. We are trying to teach him the word and concept of “gentle,” but so far his response is, “Right. Gentle. *Whack!*”

He has perfected the slow-motion head-butt. He slowly puts his forehead against someone else’s head (usually daddy's), then presses and grinds as though he is trying to push his head into the other person's skull. Of course, he still does the regular sort of head-butt.

He smiles when familiar people talk to him on the phone.

Sometimes he just stops, raises his face, spreads his arms wide, and smiles beatifically as though communing with the baby spirits.


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