Get Write To It

Oct 27, 2010 13:43

I've been going through one of my posting droughts lately, but writing is in the air, and I want to get moving again both on posting and some other writing projects. Though it will be years before I can realistically take part in NaNoWriMo, I will do NaBloPoMo, WriSoMiFu, and also my own version of DrawSoMiFu.

In order to motivate myself to blog, I will reinstate a game from years past where I invite you, the reader, to give me a literary style, which I will then emulate even as I write about my own life. Here is one of my favorite blog entries from the last time I did this.

Please do not request Shakespeare, sitcom, pulp sci-fi, noir detective novel, Song of Solomon, haiku, limerick, or Greek tradgedy, as I have already done those.

Thanks, and hi!, and I look forward to writing at you in the next month.

me, writing

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