Jan 21, 2009 23:37
I haven't posted about the Stones in a while, but I'm sitting here, internetting and half watching Let's Spend the Night Together, so I thought I'd make a few random comments.
1. Is Mick chewing gum while he's singing? Yes, yes I think he is.
2. That was the worst version of Tumbling Dice I have ever heard.
3. Mick announces Charlie Watts while he is bent over behind his drums. Keith hits Charlie on the head and punches his arm until he sheepishly emerges. Comedy gold.
4. Dear camera man: Mick Jagger is not the only person of interest on the stage. Kthxbye.
5. This seems to be one of those times when Mick and Keith weren't smiling at each other.
6. Does Bill Wyman ever move?
7. Mick, you look like a dork in the football pants and knee pads.
8. Seriously, was Mick mad at Exile on Main Street when they filmed this? All his vocals for the songs from that album sound bad.
10. Oh, no wait, there they go. Now they are smiling at each other.
11. Is there any other human being as cool as Keith Richards?
12. . . . oh yes, Charlie Watts.
13. Mick's looking pretty good at 40-ish. Bill Wyman is looking like Leisure Suit Larry.
14. Keef even smokes agressively.
This is fun, but I've got to go to bed.