Well.... FINALLY!!!!
We just got high-speed Internet connected on the farm this afternoon. We're using a 2-way satellite connection from Xplornet to access the 'net, since there is no other wireless or broadband connection available in this area. Our farm sits on the edge of Sasktel's deadzone, and rumour has it that Sasktel has no intention of ever setting up more wireless towers; Apparently they're going to start doing everything by satellite as well for these more remote areas. In a way that's good, the competition will drive the prices down.
Just to update things a bit...
I arrived safely on the farm, late Tuesday evening. It was around 3:30pm Calgary time when I finally got away from the city, and I arrived on the farm just over 6 hours later, so I made very good time. I was fortunate enough that the highways were in excellent condition, though the conditions actually got worse whenever the highway went through a city or town. Too many vehicles bringing snow and crud from the unplowed side-streets, I guess.
The horses are doing fine, but it's obvious that they hate the cold, especially PoohBear and Dirk, who have always had their little barn for shelter. Bonnie and Charles have never had fancy shelters, so they're a little more used to this sort of thing. Plus, they've lived in the area most of their lives whereas PoohBear and Dirk have always lived in the city which is (usually) considerably warmer than on the open prairie. Getting thier proper shelters set up in the garage is a priority for this trip.
My snowblower is on the fritz; It will start only on full choke, and then only run for a few seconds. I think the carb is all gummed up from having stored it without draining the fuel tank first. Wouldn't be such a problem if it weren't -32c outside. The shop is supposed to be heated, but that's another item on the long list of things to be repaired. Taking a small carbourator apart, cleaning it, and putting it back together is pretty simple, it's just a lot easier if you can do it someplace warm. Can't really take it into the house at the moment, it's far too cluttered to be working on that sort of thing. Ah well...
trixstir is doing a little better - still has to go in daily to get the dressings on her mashed finger changed, but apparently it's more of a healthy pink instead of a squashed purple now. She's supposed to get the stitches out on Monday. The kidling stayed home from school today, not feeling at all well. I can be pretty sure he's not faking it, as I heard him going to the bathroom at least five times last night, and he claims he was sick a couple times today as well while I was outside feeding the horses and arguing with the snowblower. Tomorrow is his last day of school before the Christmas break, so we'll have to see how he feels in the morning.
We finally got our liquor permit at the bowling alley, and have stocked the fridge there with booze. Several different brands of beer and some assorted coolers. From what I've seen for pricing, liqour sales are very profitable! ;) Tomorrow is our first Christmas party where we have the permit and will be supplying the booze, so it should be interesting to see how that goes.
So, to sum it all up... We all safe, mostly healthy, and finally online with high-speed! Maybe now I can keep this thing updated a little more regularly out here. :)