
Nov 28, 2013 08:58

First, wishing a Happy Thanksgiving to all my friends in the USA. Here's hoping that none of you are being forced to work today, particularly in retail. It's bad enough that there are these insane "Black Friday" sales, even worse that now some retailers are actually opening today and spoiling what one could argue is the biggest holiday in the USA. Some of the offenders are at least waiting until the evening, but others, like K-Mart, are open all day. K-Mart.... The low-end of low-end (at least they were in Canada, before they shut down here.) way to stay classy guys... :P

We had a good night at the bowling-alley last night; What started off looking like another dead night brought in just under $300 when a Fracking Crew dropped in. What's discouraging is that they said they never even knew we were here, despite the advertising we do. The problem is that these guys don't read the local papers or coffee-row flyers, so they never see the ads. Maybe if we had been able to purchase the billboard earlier and get a big sign up on it, it might have changed things. It's too late now, since we've committed to the idea of selling the bowling-alley. I guess I'll just use the whole thing to advertise the shop, though that wasn't the original plan. :/

I had to go to Swift Current for an ultrasound on Tuesday; Back in September when I had my routine medical exam, the doctor noticed that my liver enzymes were elevated. He doesn't think there's really anything wrong, but he wanted an ultrasound just to be sure. What ticks me off is that the previous doctor here noticed the same thing a couple years ago, but never mentioned it. I also remember that a doctor back in Calgary sent me for an ultrasound, but I never did hear why, or what the results were. I'd hate to think that there's been something brewing there for years, but no one had ever bothered to tell me until now. It might explain all the sensitive digestion issues I've been dealing with for so long. Here's hoping that it's nothing...

Also on the health front, this blasted raspy throat and persistent cough just will not let up. I feel OK otherwise, but I've been coughing up crud for going on three weeks now, and the round of antibiotics the doc prescribed for a possible bacterial infection seems to have been a waste. Last night it woke me up at 2:45am, and kept me awake well past 3 with coughing fits. It's centered on just one spot at the base of my throat (larynx?) with a constant annoying tickle that just won't quit. Probably going to have to go see the doc again to get it looked at again. Maybe when the results of the ultrasound come in, I can get both looked at.

Things are busy at the shop, so far there's really no slow-down as we head into winter. Another snow-blower came in, and I've now got five generators lined up to be gone over! I really need to hire some help.

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPad.

thanksgiving, via ljapp, health, usa, bowling alley

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