Happy Easter

Mar 31, 2013 15:25

Here's wishing everyone a Happy Easter, however you see fit to celebrate it (or not.)

With GST taxes due today, I've been working very late nights at the shop trying to cram data into the accounting program. The problem is that I can only run one copy of the program at a time, and the program can only have one company open at a time; I have to be running Iron Pony's books during the day, so that means I can't run Wildhorse's until after-hours. At this point I know that all of our businesses are getting refunds, so I don't have to worry about any penalties if I file late.

On Friday, I took advantage of the day off and some warm weather to finally trim PoohBear's front hooves. I'm ashamed to say that they had never been this bad, but at least they are done now (as well as his hind hooves) and it had made an incredible difference. The main reason for the delay had been the bitter cold, and that his hooves had been so hard. Now with the warmer weather and moisture, I've finally been able to get the job done. Even though it was only +4c in the barn, I had to remove my coat as I was sweating like crazy and the steam was constantly fogging up my glasses. It took me about an hour, but I got the job done and though he put up a struggle during the job, PoohBear is much happier now.

All of the horses are shedding like crazy, and there is horse-hair everywhere. The snow-pack here on the farm is finally melting, but with snow-banks over eight feet deep in places, it's going to take a while. The 3pt snow-blower is useless right now because the melting snow is too heavy for it to throw at an engine-speed that doesn't overload the machine. I cleared as much as I could with the loader, but without 4x4, the tractor can't get much traction in the melting snow and ice, even with chains. I tore my thumb-nail on my right hand deeply into the quick trying to clear the jammed-up slush from the snow-blower, and I can only hope it heals quickly because it's quite painful, and it's not easy to do much of anything with an injured thumb. You never realize how much of a beating your thumb takes every day until an injury like this makes you painfully aware of every touch.

After trimming PoohBear's hooves and having a badly-needed shower, I went into town to meet sone of our friends at the bowling alley. Brent and Heather Hoffart, along with Jason Huss and his GF Trina were there. Jason and Trina are a lot like Trixstir and I, and we sat around chatting and visiting until past 1am. Jason likes his beer, and we have the best prices and coldest beer in town, so he had quite a lot. They had planned ahead for this though, and took a cab home. Jason was pondering if it was a bad sign when the Cabbie knows you by name... ;)

Come Saturday, I was sore and stiff all over from working on PoohBear's hooves, but I dragged myself to the shop as there's plenty of work to be done there. I really wish I could afford to hire some help as there's an awful lot of work to catch up on, and more arriving all the time.

We're relaxing a little as today is Sunday, and Easter Sunday at that. Still, we need to go into town and clean the deep-fryer (which has finally had its fire-safety inspection) and then figure out what to have for supper. Something simple most likely, as we didn't get a turkey and there's not enough time to thaw out a ham. I'll probably make a chicken-bake or something like that: Quick, hot, easy, and tasty! :)

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.

poohbear, friends, farm, easter, via ljapp, snow, hooves

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