It's Raining - again...

May 05, 2012 12:21

     It wouldn't be so bad if it were only raining outside, but since the roofing crew still hasn't gotten over here to put the new roof on the shop, it's raining in the shop as well!  Once again, I have buckets all over the place collecting the rain dripping in, and I can only imagine the damages this is doing to the insulation in the attic.  I should be taking at least $100 a day off the final bill for every day that it rains in here.  This is complete and utter bullshit - the materials have been here for over a month, but they've been farting around on other things.  Most annoyingly is that they did the roof on the bowling-alley first, knowing full-well that this building was the critical one.  I was also promised that they would be over right away to start (and finish) the shop, but I've not seen the roofing crew since.  The boss has been over a few times looking for money, but no sign of the crew.

I did pay them the final amount for the bowling-alley, but I paid them the orignal quoted price, not the extra $3k they wanted because of "measurement errors."  If you screwed up on the measurements and low-balled the quote (that's a quote, not an estimate!) then that's just too bad for you.  It's your mistake - you eat the cost, not me.

The weather the last few days has been cloudy, but it was good weather for puting a roof on since it wasn't blazing hot out.  There's no excuse for the job not being done.  I think they're holding back because they're being pissy about my holding them to the original quote.  :/

On the plus side, the first week of May has been very good business-wise; Lots of customers buying parts, paying bills, and bringing in more machines to be worked on.  I had a miserable machine to work on yesterday though, and it took a lot longer to fix than I can bill for.  Part of that is my own problem, as I'm still developing some testing techniques that will save me a lot of time in the future, and part of it was just the machine having multiple issues.  The final one was a pin-hole in the primer-bulb; it was sucking air (and dirt) through the hole, and causing issues with the newly-cleaned carburetor.  Once that primer bulb was replaced, it ran fine.  I'd like to work on another machine for this customer, but I can't get to it because of all the water coming into the shop.  That's why I'm on the computer now - I've got some mechanical down-time forced upon me, so I can do some computer-stuff instead.

Wish I had voodoo doll, like in that awesome FedEx commercial (at least, I think it was FedEx...)

iron pony, roof, rain

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