Nicer Thoughts...

May 15, 2011 22:50

     I've managed to clean up most of the damage from the recent hack-attack on my hosting service, though it's yet to be seen if there will be any further issues.  I hope not...

We spent the day trying to get some work done outside - but that was nearly impossible due to the extremely high winds!  We've had sustained winds in the range of 60 km/h, and gusts exceeding 90 km/h !!!  There were a few instances where I felt like I was about to be blown off my feet, and those who have met me in RL know I'm a pretty big person!  I was rather concerned (still am, actually) about the East Door on the quonset here on the farm - the wind was really pushing hard against it, howling like a Banshee and forcing it to flex!  The door is reinforced with steel runners, and I guess it's designed for that sort of thing.  Still, it's a bit unnerving...

Trixstir and I tried to clean out the girls' paddock, but it's awfully hard to move manure in high winds without getting it in the face!  We eventually had to give up on our efforts, but we got the job about half-done.  Later in the afternoon when it had calmed down a little (very little actually, but every bit helps!) we got some lawn-mowing and weeding done.  It's amazing how much a simple trimming of the lawn can make a place look so much better!  The grass wasn't overly long (yet), but having it all neatly trimmed to a uniform height makes such a difference!

On Saturday morning, we moved the girls from their small paddock against the barn/garage to the new large paddock that we built with the portable corral-panels.  This paddock is roughly 40 x 80 feet, so it's huge compared to their normal one!  That may not seem like a huge paddock for a normal-sized horse, but for a mini it sure is!  There's lots of room for them to run around, even getting up to a full gallop and dashing around!  What really amazed me though, was the way Bonnie moved...

Bonnie has never really had room to really "strut her stuff" until now, so I've never seen her true motion before.  I really wish that I had a video camera handy when we turned her loose - it was absolutely beautiful!  She moves like an Arabian - tail held high, and moving with a fluid high-stepping stride that's reminds me of children "skipping" along...  I never knew she had that sort of gait, and it was incredibly wonderful to see it!  I really should get her polished up and put her in some shows to see how she does.  I don't have any papers for her, but if she's good enough, it may be worth it to "hard register" her to get her into the system.

Molly isn't anywhere near so graceful, but she certainly seems to be enjoying the extra room to trot around in as well!  :)

bonnie, wind, lawn, farm, horses, molly

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