Back on January 25, after a nice fish supper at Joey's Only seafood restaurant,
I won an Apple iPad in their contest! After going through the claims process, I've been patiently waiting for its arrival. It arrived this afternoon, and I picked it up from Jack's place, which is where all of my courier-delivered stuff has to go until I get the new shop in town.
I've only seen an iPad once before in RL, when my brother and his girl-friend came over for Christmas last year. Somehow, I remembered the beastie being a bit bigger, but I guess that must have been my imagination. Anyway, this is a very nice black & silver tablet, and it was even customized on the back with a small note reading "Congratulations from Joey's Seafood Restaurants." This is a 16GB unit, with wi-fi and 3G connectivity! Very nice! :)
It would have been even nicer if Apple had thought to include a CD-Rom with thier iTunes software on it. When you get the beastie out of its box, it won't do anything until you hook it up to your PC, and set it up with the iTunes software. I have iTunes, but it's an older version that doesn't recognize the iPad. The download for the new iTunes package is just under 100MB, which means it will be a long and slow download, even with my Satellite connection. I was thinking of waiting until after 1am, when "the clock is off" for downloads, and the speed is generally better (I have a 500MB/24hrs limit otherwise), but I think I might take the iPad and my laptop into the bowling-alley tomorrow, and use the high-speed connection there. I need to install iTunes on the laptop anyway, if I'm going to be using it in conjunction with the iPad for the business. :/
Why couldn't Apple just put a flippin' CD in the box with the tablet?