One of those days...

Aug 28, 2008 22:32

     We drove the kidling to school this morning, since he had a lot of stuff to carry in for his first day, and we had some work to do in the bowling alley.  IE: I needed to hook up the high-speed Internet connection in there before I went crazy!  It was questionable as to whether or not the signal would be on already (it was still early in the morning) but when I plugged the modem in, all the connection lights lit up, so we had Internet access!  Yaaaaayyyy!!!  Then I got to spend the next few hours farting around with trying to get the Email working...

I had to call Sasktel twice as it turns out that the log-in and connection information that I had been given back on the 26th was incorrect.  One part was wrong, and the other part of the info I needed was missing completely!  The service from Sasktel's technical dept was fantastic though, in each case I had the information I needed in less than five minutes.  The problem was that since I didn't know I had the wrong information to start with, I wasted a lot of time trying to debug Eudora, thinking I had set something up incorrectly.  Once I had the right information though, everything worked beautifully.  Still, this wound up taking the better part of the afternoon, and we got back to the farm about 10 minutes before the kidling's school-bus.

We moved the washer and dryer into the laundry area, and I attempted to hook up the washer.  That's when we discovered the that hot-water valve on the pipes leaks!  Even better, it continues to leak even when it's completely turned off.  Now we had to make a mad-dash back into town and get to the hardware store before they closed for the evening.  We got there with about 15 minutes to spare, and came back with the new valves.  Two valves, because I wasn't going to take a chance that the cold water valve wasn't going to do the same thing.  Happily, it didn't, and it only took a few minutes to replace the hot water valve.  Now we can finally wash our clothes.  Drying them is another matter, as the gas dryer is not yet connected.  Nor will it be for a while yet; Not only do we need a gas-fitter to connect the gas line, but the original electric dryer was never vented outside!  All that hot, moist, lint-laden exhaust was merely blown into the downstairs ceiling and floor-joists!  We had known earlier that this had been the case for a little while, but we never realized that it had always been this way!  All it would have taken is one small spark to set off all that lint, and the place would have gone off like a bomb!

In the meantime, we've got a clothes-drying rack, and the weather is still warm enough for drying clothes outside.  That's another thing I want to get set up next Spring, is a proper outdoor clothes-line.  Why waste electricity and gas when the wind and sun are free and certainly abundant out here!

school, bowling alley, internet, plumbing

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