(no subject)

Jun 03, 2005 16:24

Two somewhat related (through my bad luck) stories:

1. Saturday night me and a bunch of sweet folks drove out to Grand Rapids to see Les Miserables. It was fantabulous and amazing and everything I could've hoped for and more. My joy would be short-lived that evening, as would be a furry woodland creature.

I hit a raccoon. With the mothervan. Going about 80mph.

It made the most horrible sound. AND I saw the poor thing before I hit it. I almost cried.

The next morning, it was discovered that there is a raccoon sized dent and a small crack in my front bumper... and a little chunk of fur. I almost cried again.

2. This morning I was driving to work and off the side of Rochester about four feet in the grass there's a deer! Alive! She was just kinda sitting there chilling and watching the cars, so I pulled over to see what I could do to get her away from the road. When I got close enough, she tried to get up and both of her back legs were broken. She squirmed a little then laid back down.

I called the non-emergency police and waited while an Animal Control truck and two squad cars showed up.

You probably know how this story is going to end...

They had to shoot the deer. She was in a lot of pain and there was no way she would've made it. It took them five shots too because she just kept fighting. It was horrible.

I cried the whole way to work, then again when I told someone about it.

It bothered me that no one else even stopped. She wasn't bleeding so it would've taken her hours and hours to die of shock, but no one took a few minutes to see how they could help.

Aww, poor deer.
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