Hi all!
I recently became interested in a Nose-It for my pony. Another boarder at my barn has one for her guy, and he seems to love it. The other boarder fills her Nose-It with apples and carrots, but I don't like that idea for a couple reasons. A) I worry about them getting gross/smelly if not eaten quickly enough, especially in the heat, and B) I'm just not happy about him getting SO MANY carrots and apples. Treats are okay in moderation, but that just seems like an awful lot of sweet stuff. Similarly, I don't want to fill it with horse treats.
I'm interested in putting hay cubes in there. The barn owner is a little stingy with hay, and on top of that Bear eats hay like it's his job. He gets good grain and good grass every day, so it's not really about lack of food, but more about just standing in his stall with nothing to do.
So what are your experiences with hay cubes? Are they good, bad, ugly? Is my logic correct, thinking that it's something "healthy" that he can munch on throughout the day, as opposed to treats? Or am I completely wrong? Any really terrible things I should know?
For reference, this is the Nose-It:
And this is the fella and I last fall on a Halloween hunter pace: