So there is a reason we put "Broom Hilda" down as our mare's show name at the recent local show...
Snappy, pinned ears mare. Grooming, and especially tacking she does a 180 from sweet and loving to pure evil. Elvira. I have a bite mark to show it.
Now, the initial reaction you all are going to have is "your saddle doesn't fit! or she has ulcers!"
Now we haven't had her scoped, but the vet swore she didn't have ulcers. She does not have back soreness, and the the part that makes her the most evil is when you touch her under her stomach/chest/girth area.
When riding, she is all ears up and happy, no signs of issues.
I don't know the details, but she has had a ton of diagnostic work performed by her previous owner with no conclusions. BB can probably attest to this - she has been this way for a long, long time. It just seems to be worse now than ever. There have been no diet changes, same riding schedule....
She has had a hysterectomy, so it's not a 'mare' issue.
Our conclusion is that she is just a witch (substitute b for w is more like it!)
anyone have ANY ideas of what we might try?!
Here is a 'sweet' moment complete with cat who decided that the Irish knit looked very comfortable!!!