Really outstanding article under the cut. Basic outline: foal born with a severe wry nose. People have said ergh he's ugly, shoot him. 6 yr old kid says so what if he's ugly, I love him? Mum says: why put him down if he's not suffering? He's happy! Will try to fix him, if he's comfortable and happy, he stays. I love, love people like this. Talk about raising your kid right. I just hope they really do consider the foals health above all else, but from what I can judge, they are seriously good people. And is it just me or does he look cute as hell anyway? :D Six Year Old Girl Refuses to Put Down “Ugly Duckling” Foal
June 21, 2010
R.T. Fitch Horse Health, Horse News Equestrian, Horse, Veterinary medicine, foal 34 Comments
News from the UK Telegraph
“Every now and then a story comes along that touches your heart and reminds you why it is we do what we do. This is just such a story. The love and bond built between this little girl and her disfigured foal is unconditional and not tempered because the horse is not “perfect”. Non-perfect horses are what feed the slaughterhouses and if more breeders held to the same sentiments that this tiny little equine rescuer does, then the World of Horses would be a much kinder and gentler place. Please, wash out your mind, soul and heart with this touching tale.” - R.T.
Maddison sees beyond Diego's appearance and loves him for who he is - Photo by the UK Telegram
Maddison Biddlecombe dotes on Diego and begged her family not to have him put down.
Despite being advised by other horse owners to have Diego put to sleep, Maddison’s mother Janey Biddlecombe, 33, refused.
She is now hoping to raise money for an operation by an equine dentist which is likely to cost £4,000.
Diego was born on May 12 with Wry Nose Syndrome, which caused him to have a bent nose and undershot jaw.
Despite initial difficulties he has learnt to suckle well from his mother and is happy, healthy and growing well.
Maddison said: “Diego is my best friend and I don’t care what he looks like, to me his face makes him special.
“He’s so lovely. We have a lot of fun playing games and he likes to chase me around the field. I love him lots and he gives me kisses and cuddles.
“People shouldn’t say he should be put down because of what he looks like, it doesn’t matter to me. My friends really like him too and we have so much fun feeding him. He’s the best horse ever.”
Mrs Biddlecombe, of Poole, Dorset, who keeps her horses in Southampton, sought advice online from others on the New Forest Equine Directory forum and was shocked by some responses.
She said: “I asked for help and advice but some people have been unkind and told me to put him to sleep. Maybe it’s an easy way out but not for me. I don’t agree with putting him to sleep just because he looks different.
“It was a struggle the day after he was born but he’s come on leaps and bounds and is doing fantastically.
“Maddison adores Diego and has formed a great bond with him. They have even been found cuddled up together asleep in the field in the sun. He certainly knows he’s loved.
“He’s a fighter and I am willing to do everything and anything for him - whatever it takes to make sure he has a happy, normal life.
“When he’s bombing around the field he’s so happy and there’s no way I could put him down - not unless he’s suffering, but not just because he looks different.”
Mrs Biddlecombe said her mother had been a great help as Diego is kept in her field.
She said the RSPCA were happy with Diego but accepted that the colt could have problems when he starts grazing.
She said she hoped any difficulties could be cured by surgery and the family would be devastated if they had to have him put down.
Mrs Biddlecombe added: “We would be heartbroken but we will do all we can for him and let him know he was loved and cuddled and kissed.”
Wry Nose Syndrome causes the upper and lower jaw of a horse to grow to one side.
What are your thoughts, guys? What would you do if your mare dropped a foal like this? Personally I'd want to give the little guy a chance at a happy pain-free life. Am of that seemingly old-fashioned out-dated mind frame that you are responsible for the animals you bring into the world, good or bad.
MODs: tag, please? Mot sure what this would go under?