Jan 01, 2009 21:26

Hello again equestrian !
Some of you may remember the Morgans from the summer months...a training project I took on in my home town, which I had to leave in order to return to school.

There are 36 horses on the property including  2 stallions, 3 stud colts, 3 yearling stud prospects, and two fillies from this fall.  Yes, this FALL.  Unfortunately the owner of the barn still hasn't kicked the bucket, although we are all holding our breaths that it will happen soon.  Since my friend and I (who did some training on the horses last summer) left, no horses have been sold/worked/had their feet or wormings done. We did some of the horses' feet and gave them some love, and took some pictures.  I thought since many of the members expressed interest in the farm I would post some update pictures.

The horses have all lost some weight, and are looking downright shaggy and unkempt. 

The two fillies born in September.

Dante!  Still unsold, but one of the few that actually looks better after loosing a few pounds.

Little Charmer, looking rough as usual.  Bottom of the pack horse.  He would be FABULOUS with weight and love.  He's still young (4), he's tall, athletic, and lots of chrome.

Vancouver, still unsold because the BO refuses to sell him for less than $5000 (also...fence fail).

Now here's a fun story:  The geldings had been without water for a day and a half when this picture was taken.  One of the retarded people who helps out around the farm thought that the weight of the snow on the shelter roof was dangerous, so he locked the horses out.  But he didn't think about the fact that that was their ONLY source of shelter and only source of water.  When we moved the bucket over they drank is so fast the hose couldn't keep up.

Levi's still around, and wants to show you why you should buy him and take him away from this horrible injury waiting to happen!

Checking Dante's feet with an audience

A freaky picture of Vancouver's wall eye

Sir Vivor flailing

My pretty little mare, quicksilver.  She was ALMOST sold, but unfortunately we had to say no at the last minute.  The lady who wanted to buy her was almost 300 I have nothing against the larger ladies riding, but this mare is delicately built and only 14.2hh and was clearly not suited to that sort of rider.

Boss mare, Champagne Lady kicks the other horses out of the way in order to get lovin'. She is SUCH a ho.

...but she knows how to fake sweet like nobody's business, doesn't she?

Celia and one of the many horses she would take home is she could:  Nutbar!  The two were happily re-united, and Celia apparently wanted to eat her..?.

haha Nutty was not too pleased about being dinner!

The mares all lined up for pets and love

Quicksilver and Grand Chief out for a stroll.

A cool series of pictures of the herd running:

Champagne Lady

Somebody flailing.  I barely recognise them with their winter coats

Nutbar getting her groove on


Pixie hiding behind a tree

a very cute head shot:

The end!  I hope you enjoyed the update.  I really do miss working with this horses, and I just wish I could take a few of them home.  ;_;  It's very sad seeing them again, and knowing that there is not much I can do until people buy them and take them to better homes.  Hopefully the work I did this summer will help make that happen all the faster!

frustrations, fugly, stupid people, horse abuse, photos, horse selling sagas

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