This thing still exists?

Nov 03, 2011 22:14

So yeah.....remembered that I have this thing, and figured I should probably use it. Not really sure what to use it for just yet. Most likely going to be boring things like what I think of the current state of World of Warcraft (yes I play), random coding ideas, and other nerdy stuff. Maybe it'll also help me be less scatter-brained, but who knows.

For now though I think I'll start with a simple review of World of Warcraft: Cataclysm.

I was really excited when this expansion came out. There were alot of major changes/additions, though my favorites were:
Redoing all the old areas - This has been needed for a long time. Though some areas did not receive as much love as others, the new looks of some are amazing.

Updating old quests that so that they flowed better - I can not count the number of times I was told to go kill something over there by all these other things, to be told later to go back to that area and kill the other things over there (yay mass genocide?)

Requiring more skill than just pushing buttons to play the game - Now this last item eventually got changed so that it's still just push buttons and win. Now granted I'm a good player as is, but because of this I looked amazing. So taking it away hurt, and I died a little inside.

Uldum - IMHO the best new zone created. They did this one well. Indepth story, meaningful quests, and even an appearance by Indiana Jo.....I mean Harrison Jones.

Thrall - Thrall is an amazing character, plenty of lore behind him, and he has an amazingly level head for an Orc. While it was sad to see him leave as leader of the Horde, the move to the Earthen Ring was bound to happen.

Now some of the things I didn't like:
Vashj'ir - Oh god, I can not express how much I HATE this zone. It had so much promise, but Blizzard blew it on this one.

Garrosh Hellscream replacing Thrall as the Orc Warchief - Thrall is amazing, the story and lore that surround him is incredible and one of the best that Blizzard has come up with. Garrosh is just a big brute that is going to lead the Horde to ruin. Now don't get me wrong, I understand why Thrall had to leave the Horde, but he could have done so much better than Garrosh. Garrosh's father, Grom Hellscream, may have been an excellent leader in his time, but that doesn't mean Garrosh will be. Garrosh can not fill even one of Thrall's shoes (proven by Thrall besting Garrosh in combat without breaking a sweat).

Level of difficulty of Dungeons (Normal and Heroic) - Now I loved that they required some skill at the start, however the problem is that of the 12 million people who played the game at the start of Cataclysm, I'd say maybe 1% (about 120,000 people across the world, on different servers, in different time zones, ect.) had the skill to be able to do these Dungeons and Raids. If you weren't running with a group of people who knew how to play their class and handle the fights, then you should be ready to spend 1-2 hours in one Dungeon (something that really should only take about 30 minutes at max).

The nerfs to Firelands (4.2) before Dragon Soul (4.3) - Now I understand making content easier so that people can see it, but Blizzard swung the nerfbat just a wee bit too hard, and early, at this one.

For now that is all folks. Stay safe and keep playing.

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